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by Pie_Eyed
Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:05 pm
Forum: Beginner Brewing
Topic: Mixed up Yeast, What problem did I create?
Replies: 5
Views: 2523

Re: Mixed up Yeast, What problem did I create?

I don't know what the actual strain of yeast the cider yeast provided is. More "wine like" cider strains will not eat maltotriose. Some can eat maltose, but it may take a very long time for it to do that and it might stall out. What that means is you will end up with sweet heavy bodied lo...
by Pie_Eyed
Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:52 pm
Forum: Beginner Brewing
Topic: Mixed up Yeast, What problem did I create?
Replies: 5
Views: 2523

Mixed up Yeast, What problem did I create?

I was mixing up a batch of cider and a batch of beer and on the final step I accidentally put the Cider yeast in the beer and vice versa.

What am I in for with the final product?
