Whose beer do you want to try?

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Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by Kealia »

This is not a popularity contest, although it could be skewed by the number of times certain people post to share information, I suppose. In any case, it's meant to be fun/interesting.

So, two questions:
1) Of the people who post here, whose beer would you like to try? (Maybe they do interesting styles, use interesting ingredients, or just post beers that sound really good to you. No real 'rules'.)
2) What brewery have you not been to that you'd like to visit to try their beers? (This could be a brewery somebody posted here, someplace you've heard of, or if you're Swen, breweries in Ireland that you're now getting to visit! :) ).

I'll start:
1) Mashani's beers. Not everything sounds appealing to me, but between the different styles of beers and methods used to create them, I'd love to sit down with him and share a few of his beers.
2) I'm blessed with lots of phenomenal breweries around me (Russian River, Alvarado, etc.) so I'm going to say Parish Brewing in NOLA because I've been lucky enough to sample GHOST and it's phenomenal. I'd love to see what else they have to offer up.

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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by BlackDuck »

1. Mashani's. Mostly because he brews so many different styles. He's brewed styles I've never heard of before and I think it would be interesting to try those.
2. I've been very lucky to visit so many oustanding breweries during our past meet ups in Nashville and Asheville. One of my favorite breweries is only about 2.5 to 3 hours from me and I've never been there. So I would say Rhinegeist in Cincinnati.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by Beer-lord »

1. MadBrewer-because his posts inspired me to push forward on what I had started regarding water treatments and helped hobble me along my way. I'm very pleased with the results. (Kudo's also to Screwy Brewer for his help too).
2. I would have said Stone but I'm over that now so I'll go with The Alchemist. Saw a recent interview with him and he's different and has tons of techniques I'd love to see in action. 2nd is Alvaredo Street.
Yeah, I know, only 1 but I'm a rebel and had to be different.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by Kealia »

BlackDuck wrote:So I would say Rhinegeist in Cincinnati.
IIRC, they made a pale ale that you sent me a long time ago that was outstanding, right?
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by dbrowning »

Mashani's … Saisons are my all time favorite … and anything Belgian is next

And I want to go to all the breweries I haven't yet been too
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by berryman »

1}As much as I would like to try a Mashani beer, I would want a Beerlord super hopped IPA. And the fact that at his place it is nice and hot outside makes it more so. mash is only a few hours away from me, but having a IPA in the big easy sounds better. :)
2} I have no real particular boughten beer I want to try, but plan on visiting ommegang brewery sometime in mid-state NY.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by MadBrewer »

Cool thread, 1) I would have to agree with Berryman and say Beer-Lord. I do not brew a lot of hoppy beers but he seems to have it down to a science...I mean his screen name is Beer-Lord. Also another nod for Mashani, I admire his knowledge. On the Mr Beer Fans forum I had the pleasure to swap with at least half a dozen Brewers, had some really nice beers that turned me onto new styles.

2) Heritic. Over the years I have listed to dozens and dozens of his Brewing Network podcasts, read his books and just overall learned so much. I would love to see his operation and see where he's at no and try some fresh beers at the brewery.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by Beer-lord »

I'm not that good but I do think my Black IPA is the shiz!
This is a cool thread. Louie should pay to rent a huge hotel so we could all meet. I mean, I'd pay a small amount but the money Louie makes on this forum, he should pay. :oops: :lies: :uwish:
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by The_Professor »

Once upon a time I had an idea for a members only forum.
This thread reminds me of it.

Imagine if you will......
A members only forum called something like "I Want One Of Those F****** Beers"
So someone brews a beer and they think it is a good beer. They start a thread about their beer saying something like "I have 4 of these to give away" (or 6 or whatever), "1 per person" (or 2 or whatever), and then name the random way they will choose who gets one (name out of a hat, number between 1 and 100, etc). Then anyone that posts in the thread (in whatever time frame mentioned) "I want one of those f****** beers" is entered into the random drawing. Then the proper thing to do after sampling the beer would be to post a review to that thread.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by berryman »

The_Professor wrote: Imagine if you will......
The Twilight Zone, ha ha.
I used to be in the Secret Santa beer exchange and worked on it with morebeer and astro brewing in the old Mr beer forum and here in the beginning, but it faded out for lack of interest. that was fun, I had a lot of beers from other members. I would like to start that up again if any interest.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by mashani »

I would for sure like to try an epic Beer-Lord IPA.

I would love to go to Russian River and/or Parish.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by monsteroyd »

I always wanted to try the Professor's ancient brew he made from that Babylonian bread/beer prayer. Was it Nikasi or something? (we have a Cherokee mound in town called Nikwasi, so I get them confused)

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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by John Sand »

I was thinking the Professor too.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by Kealia »

mashani wrote:I would for sure like to try an epic Beer-Lord IPA.

I would love to go to Russian River and/or Parish.
C'mon over for a Russian River visist!

And if there are things they have that you can't get where you are, I'd be happy to ship some your way. Just reach out.
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Re: Whose beer do you want to try?

Post by swenocha »

I'll say Berryman's beer is what I'd like to try, for the reason that we are on similar paths recently on our kegging and such. I'm also curious about a lot of your beers and experiences with the newer mash and boil systems. I've been fortunate to try several great beers from a lot of you, and look forward to trying more down the road...

I'm still obsessed with a Belgium visit to visit Cantillon and Fantome. One day...
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nada... zip...

nada... zip... maybe an N/A beer here and there...
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