Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

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Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by FMCalero »

Hi everyone my name is Freddy and I am from Dominican Republic

I Love beers and nowadays my country is living an Crafted Bear Boom so a decide to start making my
firts steps into this brewing world. I bough a Brewdemon kit and I receive the "Shedu Oatmeal Stout"

I know a lot of question will come in this process.....but for now I would like to know the expected gravities
of these particular recipe as I could not find any information in brewing instructions or in the Brewdemon page.

Yes I know these kits are intended to newbies (like me) with no experience but it doesn't hurt to give us more info
about what are we brewing and what to expect in terms of results at each point of the process this is the way we
could learn.

Thanks in advance for you comments and any help on this topic...
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by Beer-lord »

Hi FMCalero and welcome to the Borg.
I agree that the info you are looking for would be helpful and a quick look on their website and I also couldn't find it. But, it does say the ABV should be about 4.6% so as a rough guess, I would think it would start with 1.045 and end about 1.010 or somewhere in that neighborhood.
I'd suggest fermenting in the 64-72 range as the higher temperatures could cause possible off flavors.
Happy Brewing and let us know how things work out for you.
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by John Sand »

Welcome aboard FMC!
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by The_Professor »

I'll suggest that a suggested OG is more necessary with either all grain or mini mash brewing.
With the mashing step removed and grain conversion no longer an issue you pretty much get what you get due to the dilution of the extract (and anything else in the recipe).
There's also no real reason not to show suggested OG and FG somewhere. Other than it's another thing to freak out about.
"BrewDemon says my OG should be 1.045 an mine is 1.050!!!!! Is my beer ruined?????!!!!!???"
"BrewDemon says my FG should be 1.010 an mine is 1.015!!!!! Is my beer ruined?????!!!!!???"
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by berryman »

Hello Freddy and welcome to The Borg. Midwest Supply and Morebeer both show an estimated OG on their kits. I think like others above have said, maybe Mr Beer and BD doesn't think it is relevant for someone starting with their kits and system and maybe be confusing and overwhelming. BUT, with people like yourself that want to learn you should have them numbers. Get a hydrometer and take your own readings. Ask all the questions you want here we like to help others make good beer. Keep us posted and Happy Brewing.
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by FMCalero »

Hi I really appreciate your comments and welcome The Borg.

I also understand that, this kind brewing is like making a macaroni and cheese and is not necessary to have more info to obtain the expected results than those that are in the kits instructions.

But as I purchased the hydrometer with the kit, I was trying to compare the expected gravities in this recipe versus my brewing.
I was just curios and looking to put in practice that knowledge.

The @professor got a point when he said the beer is not necessary ruined if something is a little different.
While @beer-Loard is giving me some parameters to compared with, which I appreciate.

Again thanks all of you for your welcome words and I feel very excited of beeing part of these community. :fedora:
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by bpgreen »


One thing to keep in mind when taking an OG reading with an extract kit is that sometimes, the extract doesn't get mixed very well. So depending on where you take the sample, it may have a higher or lower value than the "true" value.

I'd encourage you to go ahead and take readings just for the practice.

I'd also recommend keeping notes. I use a Google docs spreadsheet. My nephew it's old school and uses a pen and prair system.
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Re: Shedu Oatmeal Stout Gravity's

Post by berryman »

bpgreen wrote: I'd also recommend keeping notes. I use a Google docs spreadsheet. My nephew it's old school and uses a pen and prair system.
Yes a very good point keeping notes so you know
what works good and what not so good. I am kind of old school too and have my first brew in a note book from 2009.
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