Need Suggestions for a Bluetooth floating thermometer

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Need Suggestions for a Bluetooth floating thermometer

Post by Husky62108 »

I have a wireless thermometer for the closet I have my wort in but was looking for something to add into the wort so I could wirelessly check the thermometer from my phone. I’ve found a TILT thermometer but they are crazy expensive. Wondering if anyone has tried a pool or hot tube floating wireless Bluetooth thermometer? Those are reasonably priced But.... they are not food grade. I would like to sanitize it and throw it in the wort before putting on the lid and forget about it. I’m currently using a brew demon 2 gallon plastic fermenter so my options are very limited and I don’t want to open the top to check the temperature all the time. I have the temperature strip on the front of it just looking for a way to do it more accurate Lee and wirelessly. Thanks for any and all feedback.
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Re: Need Suggestions for a Bluetooth floating thermometer

Post by mashani »

My hypothetical concern would be that the PH of beer is very different then a pool / hot tub. The acidic environment would make it more likely to leach whatever "non food grade stuff" that is in those thermometers. It might also cause some kind of degradation to the sensors/probe if they are not designed for such an acidic environment. Which might cause more stuff to leach.

If this would actually happen, I can't say, again, this is hypothetical, but quite possible because solubility of substances is tied to a combination of contact time, temperature, and ph.

I would guess a "hot tub" version would be designed to be stable at a higher temperature, so it *might* be less likely to leach stuff or degrade.


Not sure if I would try it, but that's all I can tell you if you were to try it.
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Re: Need Suggestions for a Bluetooth floating thermometer

Post by bpgreen »

I'm more conservative than mashani (at least on this matter). I wouldn't use anything not rated as food grade.

Do you really need to be able to check the temperature from your phone? I was travelling pretty regularly when I started being and never checked the temperature. I still made beer.

I work from home now, and check the temperature about as often.

If you're concerned about temperatures, you should probably consider a waxy to keep them regulated.
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Re: Need Suggestions for a Bluetooth floating thermometer

Post by mashani »

bpgreen wrote:I'm more conservative than mashani (at least on this matter). I wouldn't use anything not rated as food grade.
I don't think I would either unless I was convinced it was safe, IE I thought it was made of food grade materials but simply was not certified.
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