R.I.P. Tasty McDole

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R.I.P. Tasty McDole

Post by Beer-lord »

https://thefullpint.com/dans-blog/well- ... ke-mcdole/

In 2012 I started feasting on podcasts and sucked up as much information for free as I could. The Brewing Network was one of my favorites because they didn't take things too serious. But, there was always one guy that discussed beer and recipes and you were sure to listen and that was Tasty. Everyone who came to the podcast as guests gave props to him. I was never sure why but as the years went on, I was amazed at how many pro brewers sought him out for advice.
I've never brewed any of his beer recipes but I do use his water profiles now and then but his most popular beer that many brewed was Janet's Brown. Look it up and if you like brown ales, brew it and I'm sure you'll be glad you did.
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Re: R.I.P. Tasty McDole

Post by Kealia »

That's a shame. I used to hear him all the time with Jamil on various podcasts, including "Can you brew it?".

I might be mistaken, but I think it's his recipe for Stone's Levitation that I ended up using.

RIP(A) Tasty.
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Re: R.I.P. Tasty McDole

Post by MadBrewer »

I was sad to hear of his passing, I didn't even know he was battling cancer but I haven't been tuned into The Brewing Network like I used to be. He was certainly a voice of reason on the shows. He took a very simple yet serious approach to his brewing and I feel I like to do the same. He set out to brew the best beer he could, every time he could. One time I heard him say "I like to apply my craft every time I fire up my burner" and that stuck with me. I have said for years I would like to brew his Janets Brown Ale and I really need to at some point and raise a glass to him. I have appreciated his input and knowledge over the years, just seemed like a very humble, genuine, likeable guy. Not happy to hear of his passing, but happy to know he is no longer suffering and re-joined with his wife.
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Re: R.I.P. Tasty McDole

Post by TonyKZ1 »

I've also read of his brown ale recipe that his wife liked so well, but never have gotten around to brewing it yet. I definitely need to do that now.
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Re: R.I.P. Tasty McDole

Post by Crazy Climber »

Tasty sure was respected in the community, no question. Very accomplished homebrewer (former Sam Adams Longshot winner, who has done collabs with countless pros over the years), yet without a lick of ego apparent in his podcast appearances.
I had the same thought when I heard the news -- I've never brewed Janet's Brown before, but I need to make it in 2021, (A) as a tribute, and (B) because I like Brown Ale!

RIP, Tasty.
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