New guy first brew introducing myself

Yes BrewDemon and Mr. Beer kits are pretty darn easy but sometime you need a little help from the Borg to get you on the right track. Post your questions here!

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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by FrozenInTime »

Welcome to the forum! Let it sit at room temp a couple weeks, then fridge for a week. I let mine sit in a room that's 60 deg. F.
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

Thanks all . Just opened my first home brew. 14 days fermentation 7 days carbonation, 1 day refrigerated
Pretty Damm good
Thanks for the encouragement
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

Thanks to all.. I just opened and finished my first ever homebrew. On my second now. I love it....
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by berryman »

Nice. good job, enjoy....
Edit: you seem to have a lot of nice carb there. looks perdy.....
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by FrozenInTime »

Sweet! Looks good!
I like the flip top bottles but I was never able to get a consistent carb with them. They would leak on me, even with new seals.
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by mashani »


Since you like it, you might want to throw them all in the fridge if you got that much carb in 7 days. Because I bet it isn't actually done carbing at that point, it will still go up by a small amount over the next week or two I bet at room temperature, and that is a lot of carb already. You don't want bottle bombs, especially with your expensive flip tops. Also if your floaties on top from your earlier pic did happen to be a "foreign invader" as such, fridge will shut it down, your beer will just stay as good as it is or improve, vs. potentially decline in some way. Also if they were "foreign invaders" they could ferment your beer a lot more very slowly over time and lead to said bottle bombs unless refrigerated.

Did you prime with the Mr. Beer / Brew Demon suggested levels? If so, just know they are quite high to begin with, so any little thing like fermentation not really quite being done, or said potential "foreign invaders" can push them to crazy high levels that are dangerous without strong Belgian glass bottles or PETs.

Maybe the flip tops will burp off some pressure before they blow up, I don't know. But if it was me... all of them in the fridge!
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

Yes I primed the 16 oz bottles per brew demon 1 teaspoon of sugar per bottle and filled only 1/2 way up the neck.
And I measured the teaspoon not just a spoon out of the drawer :fedora:

The picture was after 24 hours in the refrigerator, I put all the bottles in after 7 day carbonation :beer:

The large head in the pictures is because I poured it incorrectly so it would foam up . I did it to make sure there was some carbonation and for the picture.

The second bottle had a ton of carbonation when I uncapped it had lots of pressure made a large pop noise it didn't foam out of bottle it had been in refrigerator for over 24 hours

And yes it does look like after a day in the refrigerator all the floaters are gone at least in the first 2 bottles.

I got the bottles on Amazon 2 different brands but so far all have sealed no issues.

That batch was a pilsner, my next batch will be india pale ale from the kit.

I have 2 bottles I added a shot of 151 rum I'm waiting to try them next

Thanks to all for help and compliments.

Should I still pop the tops I don't want them to explode and I don't want them to go flat.
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by John Sand »

I wouldn't vent them yet. Wait and see how they fare in the fridge.
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

Hey all
Second batch in fermentation a oatmeal stout. May have screwed up . Over filled out the fermentation tub with water and wort and yeast mixture by about 18 oz. I got scared and drained it to the level on the fermentation tub hope now it's not to weak.
I'm loving the first batch.

Thanks again
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by mashani »

clay5769 wrote:Hey all
Second batch in fermentation a oatmeal stout. May have screwed up . Over filled out the fermentation tub with water and wort and yeast mixture by about 18 oz. I got scared and drained it to the level on the fermentation tub hope now it's not to weak.
I'm loving the first batch.

Thanks again
If you do that again just leave it, it's only going to be a problem if you filled it to like 1" from the top and then have a crazy vigerous fermentation. (the problem there is simply that it might leak out the top during fermentation and make a mess). But if that doesn't occur, you just get more beer if you leve it alone. Draining out some like you did isn't going to fix the dilution, just give you less diluted beer. Diluted or not it will be beer, and it will just be a slightly more dry stout, which isn't a bad thing necessarily.

If you drained through the tap, make sure you clean and sanitize it good. Don't let that sticky stuff dry and then stay in the tap while it ferments, and then bottle through it. That will lead to "bad things" most likely.

As far as your venting question, if they are in the fridge they are safe. If you like them the way they are, then your in good shape.

I'm glad your enjoying the hobby.
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

Thanks. Yes I'm really enjoying it still fumbling my way through it. But everyone here has helped a lot..
I cleaned the spout with alcohol outside and kind of held a alcohol covered paper towel on the spout and tried to get some in the spout. Think I should dump it and start fresh?
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by John Sand »

I don't think you should dump it.
If you are really worried, there are two things I can think of: Just let it ferment, and when you are ready to bottle, siphon it into another sanitized container and bottle it from there.
Or: Pour it into another sanitized container now, clean your tap, pour it back. This can be done early because oxygen should be absorbed by the yeast during ferment.
But most likely you can just roll on and don't worry. Sanitize your tap again before you bottle.
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Re: New guy first brew introducing myself

Post by clay5769 »

I took a paper towel and dipped it in rubbing alcohol and spun it around in side the tap until it came out clean.
Almost like a q-tip in the ear.
Thanks again Clayton
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