1st time it stinks.

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1st time it stinks.

Post by 11bcollins11 »

Hey folks. Rookie brewer, having fun since Covid (March 2020) between Brew Demon and BrewFerm no-boil kits.

For the first time ever, my wort smells like something spoiled. It is only 48 hours old, pitched yeast at the right temp, stored in a cooler in a garage that has been between 65 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit...

When I open the cooler to check on it, it reeks! What are my options? Is there any chance it will improve? It is BrewFerm's Flemish Fiend.

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Re: 1st time it stinks.

Post by mashani »

11bcollins11 wrote:Hey folks. Rookie brewer, having fun since Covid (March 2020) between Brew Demon and BrewFerm no-boil kits.

For the first time ever, my wort smells like something spoiled. It is only 48 hours old, pitched yeast at the right temp, stored in a cooler in a garage that has been between 65 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit...

When I open the cooler to check on it, it reeks! What are my options? Is there any chance it will improve? It is BrewFerm's Flemish Fiend.

Describe exactly how it reeks in detail and then we can help. If it has smells like sulfur/rotten eggs that is likely the yeast and that will go away over time, some yeast make a lot up front, and locked in a cooler it will become very concentrated (which yeast are you using?). If it has smells like burned toast and licorice, that is the wort you are brewing. If it smells like baby puke, that's probably not good though.
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Re: 1st time it stinks.

Post by John Sand »

Good advice from Mashani.
I'll add this: Don't be too hasty to dump a batch. Once it's in the fermenter, most of the work is done. You have little to lose by letting it ride. It can be hard to tell early on how a batch will turn out, and sometimes patience and time improve a brew. Good luck, keep us posted.
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Re: 1st time it stinks.

Post by 11bcollins11 »

Thanks so much both of you guys. The yeast is brewferm's Union Yack, very fruity. The reek was definitely on the sulfur/egg/yeasty side, and is either fading or I am adapting to it. Maybe a hint of licorice threw me off, which is a feature of this beer. I feel much better about the scent, and am definitely not tossing the wort. just a bit shocked at first... that cooler usually smells yummy. you guys are appreciated!
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Re: 1st time it stinks.

Post by mashani »

Pretty certain you should just relax and you will end up with beer!
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