To much yeast?

Yes BrewDemon and Mr. Beer kits are pretty darn easy but sometime you need a little help from the Borg to get you on the right track. Post your questions here!

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To much yeast?

Post by clay5769 »

All been using brewdemon 1 gallon kit it comes with a package of 2 grams of yeast for 1 gallon of beer

I just bought 3 gallon kit.

My question I'm doing 2 gallons of beer do I add 4 grams for 2 gallons?

I got the 2 gallon beer mix but it only came with one of the 2 grams pack of dry yeast. So I got another 2 grams and added it

I hope thats correct I just did it.

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Re: To much yeast?

Post by FrozenInTime »

It will be ok. Relax and enjoy a brewski. It's hard but not impossible to over-due yeast in a batch but your good to go.
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Re: To much yeast?

Post by mashani »

To offer perspective, I often will use a full 11.5g pack of yeast in a 2.5-3 gallon batch and it's not anywhere near too much yeast.
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Re: To much yeast?

Post by clay5769 »

Great thanks all... :party:

What is the norm as far as dry yeast per gallon?

Thanks again to all I'm loving this stuff :clink:

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Re: To much yeast?

Post by John Sand »

I think that generally ale yeast pitches are 11g to 5 gallons under 1.060, so about 2g per gallon. That changes for some styles, and some yeasts.
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Re: To much yeast?

Post by mashani »

John Sand wrote:I think that generally ale yeast pitches are 11g to 5 gallons under 1.060, so about 2g per gallon. That changes for some styles, and some yeasts.
And yes, it's lots of fun.
That is what was normally suggested as "enough" by manufacturers in the past, but every yeast varies. There is really good data to back up this calculator ... calculator, which is what I use, and it often will suggest a much larger pitch rate then that. It doesn't necessarily make "better beer", but it does make "better beer faster". (in my old orchard house it helps out compete and suppress my wild Brett C that lives here, I actually have to go back to my old pitch rates for beers I want to get it into in a way that actually changes the flavor). And actually manufacturers like Lallemand has even started to suggest pitching as much yeast as this calculator says (IE 2 packs in 5 gallons) for many of their strains, where in the past they would have said to pitch 1 pack.

"Pro Brewer 0.75" is good for < 1.060, "Pro Brewer 1.0" would be better for 1.06-1.07ish beers, "Pro Brewer 1.25" for anything more then that, and then repeat starting at "1.5" for lagers.

If you scroll down on that page, it has a chart that shows the actual number of cells found in samples of various types of dry yeast. You will see it is not always as much as claimed in the past.

Which is why an 11.5g pack is not too much for a 2.5 to 3 gallon batch, even at < 1.060 for many beers depending on the yeast strain.
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Re: To much yeast?

Post by berryman »

As all said above, very hard to over do/pitch on yeast. Most of the time under but will still work, but getting the right amount will work better. You are good to go.
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Re: To much yeast?

Post by clay5769 »

:clink: to all
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