FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

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FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

Has anyone looked into these yet? https://www.williamsbrewing.com/Home-Br ... -Fermenter The catalog I got from them yesterday said $130.00. Would need about $50 more in parts to do pressure fermenting or a closed transfer.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by Beer-lord »

I got the catalog too but am in no need of a fermenter but, for me, that's too big to fit in my keezer.
I'd like to get into pressure fermenting one day though from what I've seen and read, other than speed, the final beer is no better or worse.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

I pulled the trigger and spent the money. I got just the basic unit for now but going to get the pressure kit and spunding valve. I probably won't try it until after the first of the year. plan to use it both ways as a basic fermenter that would be easier to save yeast and do pressure for some. Will use it in conjunctionn with my Ss brewtech so can brew a little more often when I want to and have time.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

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Merry Christmas to yourself!
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

I ended up ordering it from Williams, Morebeer also had it for the same Black Friday price, but needed to get the M&B board from Williams anyways so ordered both. I usually get most other supplies from Morebeer and will probably get some of the other components from them when I start getting some grain, hops and yeast.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

Not trying to start a new trend here, but this thing is nice. No, I haven't used it yet but have looked it over and for someone that needs/wants a pressure fermenter that can drop and collect yeast and for this amount of money, yes is a nice unit. I said I would never go back to PET clear or glass and really like my Ss brewtec bucket and what going to use on first beer of the year, but I can't wait to try this one out. Yes could use it as is right now, but going to wait until I get the pressure relieves to use it. Maybe after couple more brews to get caught back up on some beer in the kezzer and then can break it out.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by mashani »

Those are a bit taller than the shelf I ferment on, although it could be adjusted. But I do really like that my current fermenters have wide bucket like openings and that I can throw them in my dishwasher. Going back to a narrow opening and more difficult cleaning would be a bit annoying. Pressurized fermenting would be useful for me though, especially in the summer. So... ???
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

mashani wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:29 pm Those are a bit taller than the shelf I ferment on, although it could be adjusted. But I do really like that my current fermenters have wide bucket like openings and that I can throw them in my dishwasher. Going back to a narrow opening and more difficult cleaning would be a bit annoying. Pressurized fermenting would be useful for me though, especially in the summer. So... ???
I am also having a problem with the size. I have been wanting to get another fermenter and was going to maybe get another Ss brewbucket, I paid $225 for it and now lot more then that. I have seen these and looked interesting https://www.morebeer.com/products/fermz ... g-kit.html but then I seen the newer version and can dump and save yeast and was on sale at the time. I did it. Damn yeast has got really expensive lately and I really like the idea of trying pressure fermenting. not even sure when I will use it for the first time, but thinking around March or May.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by Beer-lord »

I see tons of people on youtube who love those fermenters, especially for pressure fermenting. The only minor complaint I hear is that they don't always fit in some of their keezers.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by mashani »

I've got messed up hands, so I wonder about getting the lid off of those things. It seems like some folks have trouble.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by Kealia »

Haven't been here in a while - I have some catching up to do!

Congrats on the new purchase. Interesting enough, I just pulled the trigger on the Hop Bong that can fit on this, too. IT's for oxygen-free dry-hopping. Did I need it? No. But I wanted it, so.....

I also have the equipment for pressure fermenting for my conical - I just haven't done it yet because I didn't have a solution for dry-hopping into a pressurized vessel....now I do.

Keep us posted on what you like, don't like, etc.

Word of warning....do not dump yeast/trub/hops while it's under-pressure. Ask me how I know this is a bad idea.....
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by mashani »

Kealia wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:22 pm Word of warning....do not dump yeast/trub/hops while it's under-pressure. Ask me how I know this is a bad idea.....
I can only imagine. But doesn't that decrease the utility of pressure fermentation? Or do you do pressure fermentation to reduce ester production, then drop the pressure, dump the trub, and then re-pressurize for carb/bottling?
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

mashani wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:28 pm
Kealia wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:22 pm Word of warning....do not dump yeast/trub/hops while it's under-pressure. Ask me how I know this is a bad idea.....
I can only imagine. But doesn't that decrease the utility of pressure fermentation? Or do you do pressure fermentation to reduce ester production, then drop the pressure, dump the trub, and then re-pressurize for carb/bottling?
From what I can see on this one I got, you open the valve to dump the trub into the canister while still under pressure and after it has all settled you close the valve back shut and release the pressure in the canister before removing it, the fermenter would remain under pressure the whole time. Atleast that's how I think it's supposed to work.
Edit: this did not come with a manual but told how you could down load it and I did, but just glanced though it planning on more detail reading whenI get closer to trying it out. I went to the part just now on yeast/trub dumping and it looks like you do have to degas the whole unit to dump. I think I might have seen the part where you can add hops through the bottom with the valve. I have a lot mor studying to do.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by Kealia »

mashani wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:28 pm
Kealia wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:22 pm Word of warning....do not dump yeast/trub/hops while it's under-pressure. Ask me how I know this is a bad idea.....
I can only imagine. But doesn't that decrease the utility of pressure fermentation? Or do you do pressure fermentation to reduce ester production, then drop the pressure, dump the trub, and then re-pressurize for carb/bottling?
This is my plan. I wouldn't 'drop the pressure' so to speak, just release the PRV to degas it, dump, then repressurize. This is probably exactly what you meant, versus actually dropping the pressure down to 0 through a few days of degassing - jsut adding my comment for clarity. Obvisouly just releasing the PRV won't completely remove the pressure, but it will make a big difference in it pushing out the trub/hops.

In any case, always open SLOWLY and let gravity do it's thing. :)

Edit to add: While I may do some pressure fermenting to reduce esters, the main benefit for me to do it is for spunding/naturally carbonating.
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Re: FermZilla 27 Liter Tri Conical Fermenter

Post by berryman »

Ok just a update on my new fermenter, NO i haven't used it yet, Wife said you haven't used that thing you had to have yet? Well I bought it on Black Friday so that is good to keep her happy. :) I mostly wanted to use it to try pressure fermenting and second for pressure transfer, but can be used as is as a regualar fermenter and can be used that way but I see no way to get the beer out without using my auto siphon. I would rather not. So am slowly getting the stuff together one step at a time. I guess if I dumped the yeast and trub and could find the right fittings could gravity out the bottom. Will get it going sometime before long.
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