Hello all.
Looking forward to the information in here.
I currently have 3-2 gallon batches of beer brewing from kits with the liquid malt extract. I already have 3 under my belt and have 4 more 2 gallon batches queued. My thought is, to find the recipes that I like and then scale up to the 5 gallon batches. Then I assume that the next step would be the "brew in a bag" BIAB brewing. LOL
I do have 1 year under my belt doing Meads and Ciders while I have 30 gallons of them, of different flavors and sizes, going right now. I do the same with 1 gallon batches to get the taste right then I scale up.
I am going to be 60 this year and have been drinking beer since I started playing in bars at 15. LOL I thought I would never like a "fruity" beer but with meads that I am doing, I am thing of doing some flavor crossovers. I guess they call that a braggot?
Anyways, Glad to be here and will check in once in a while and ask some questions and look for tips.
P.S. how do I receive the discounts? LOL
New to the Group
Moderators: BlackDuck, Beer-lord, LouieMacGoo, philm00x, gwcr
Re: New to the Group
Welcome aboard! Feel free to ask any questions that come up and to brag about your successes. I've never brewed a mead, but i mafe a cider once. Before i brewed there cider i tried one. Unfortunately, i learned that drinking one and thinking it's ok is very different from having 5 gallons on tap (I've got a kegerator).
I'm pretty sure that others here have more experience with ciders and meads.
I'm pretty sure that others here have more experience with ciders and meads.