I'm glad I found this site. I was really getting bummed by the new MB forum. It's nice to see many of the same usernames on this site. I'm looking forward to some great interaction.
I'm happy to be assimilated!
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
Keg #1 Belgian Blonde
Keg #2 Cream of 3 Crops Ale
Keg #3 Vienna Lager
Keg #4 Oktoberfest (in the Lagering phase)
Keg #5 Oatmeal Stout (Aging until next season)
Keg #6 Empty, for now
In the Fermenter - Munich Dunkel
Next up - Hefeweizen
Glad you found us! We are trying to recruit some of the familiar faces from the MB site and keeping this going. I was saddened as more and more were planning to jump ship, and I really dislike HBT for some reason. Really glad I found this place!
Fill with mingled cream and amber,
I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chambers of my brain.
Quaintest thoughts — queerest fancies,
Come to life and fade away:
What care I how time advances?
I am drinking ale today.
– Edgar Allan Poe
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Everyone has to believe in something, I believe I'll have another drink--Oscar Wilde
Giggle Squid Brewery
Barleywine 2016
Barleywine 8-27-2014 (only drinking on special occasions)
Apple Wine 2.0
Apple Wine 2.1
Jalapeno Ale
Dark Vanner
Dark and Hoppy Night
Liquid Gold
Mad Max
Dundee Ale
Magnum PA
Nothing Conditioning
Nothing Drinking 58. Choco Brown 60. Etcitra, Etcitra 61. Bubs' Pale Wheat Xtra 62. Ottoberfest Brew Queue
ROAR! Bacon
Saint Sebastian Tripel
Bubs' Pale Ale
"Filled with mingled cream and amber
I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chambers of my brain
-- Quaintest thoughts -- Queerest fancies
Come to life and fade away;
Who cares how time advances?
I am drinking ale today."
Nothing Conditioning
Nothing Drinking 58. Choco Brown 60. Etcitra, Etcitra 61. Bubs' Pale Wheat Xtra 62. Ottoberfest Brew Queue
ROAR! Bacon
Saint Sebastian Tripel
Bubs' Pale Ale
hey joe! how did you miss all the hints we've been posting there? too subtle i guess
welcomebeer.gif (10.62 KiB) Viewed 2141 times
"Filled with mingled cream and amber
I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chambers of my brain
-- Quaintest thoughts -- Queerest fancies
Come to life and fade away;
Who cares how time advances?
I am drinking ale today."
Nah, I saw the hints. I already knew about the chat room (tap room), but didn't realize the message boards were up, too. Then I just don't move so quickly anymore, so it took me a little time to migrate over. That poor Borg is getting to be like a ghost town. The last thread I was on was called, "Don't get hit by the tumbleweeds".