Mr. Beer loyalty

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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Kealia »

LouieMacGoo wrote:
Kealia wrote: the LBC (Little Brown Conical?)'s kinda neat. If they would create a valve on the bottom to dump the trub and yeast I'd be all over one.
Just an FYI they are working on a trub dump for the bottom and hope to have it ready for the holidays.
When that happens, I'm in.

I still brew mostly 2.5 - 3G AG batches so I would love to have that feature.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by mashani »

Kealia wrote:
LouieMacGoo wrote:
Kealia wrote: the LBC (Little Brown Conical?)'s kinda neat. If they would create a valve on the bottom to dump the trub and yeast I'd be all over one.
Just an FYI they are working on a trub dump for the bottom and hope to have it ready for the holidays.
When that happens, I'm in.

I still brew mostly 2.5 - 3G AG batches so I would love to have that feature.
I've got no desire to step up to 5 gallon fermenters again, I'm pretty dedicated to small batch brewing - when I do brew bigger batches, I'm happy to split between 2 smaller fermenters, I've had really good results doing this... so I'm happy with my LBKs... but if the demon did put an actual valve at the bottom to dump the trub like a true conical, then I'd be very tempted to replace my LBKs with the conicals. That would be sweet.

As far as Mr. Beer loyalty, I treat them as a supplier, not as my primary resource. As in if I find something on sale I can build a decent beer around I'll buy it, but I'm also just as likely to order stuff from Midwest or MoreBeer or my LBHS, or maybe even the demon. Now that MoreBeer opened an eastern distribution center I will likely buy even more stuff from them. But I do actually like to use HMEs sometimes as a base, just to save time, but I'm picky about the ones I use, some make good beer, others not so much. If I buy a Mr. Beer recipe on sale, it's not generally to brew it, but just to get the ingredients to make something else out of.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by FedoraDave »

Interesting thoughts on this whole can of Cheez Whiz, but this is what I've come to expect from you guys.

In thinking about it, I've put my Homebrew Club order (due to ship in early Sept.) on hold indefinitely. I bookmarked Brew Demon and will probably start ordering recipes from them as I need them. Right now, I've got about 3 MB recipes waiting in the wings, and I have no idea when I'll get around to making them, so I'm not in any hurry.

When the Coopers take-over occurred and the new HMEs were rolled out with the price increases, I hung back a little, but eventually came back, deciding it was worth the price for the convenience. Now, with the blatant disregard they've shown for their customer base via the site changes and their lack of response to our concerns and queries, they've screwed the pooch, IMO. I could live with one such poke in the eye, but not repeated ones. My loyalty only goes so far.

I'll always be grateful for the introduction to homebrewing that Mr. Beer provided, as well as the 3+ years of support and education I got through their site. The sad truth is, they changed - not for the better in my case, and I just can't go with it. It's kind of like ending what was once a meaningful relationship. But when you realize the girl went and turned into a psycho hose beast somewhere along the road, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Goodbye, Mr. Beer.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Chuck N »

FedoraDave wrote:I'm not sorry to abandon the Mr. Beer community. Their "upgrade" is an absolute fiasco, but they've made their bed and now they must lie in it. I'm content to be here (thanks, Louie, for creating this place; I love it!), especially since so many of the "old hands" from the MB site have migrated. And thanks, Beer-lord, for the email letting me know this place was up and running.

But here's the thing....

I started with Mr. Beer. That alone wouldn't demand product loyalty, but I've come to really enjoy being able to take just an hour on a Sunday morning and brew up a good quality beer. I prefer my original AG recipes, naturally, but having the variety of the LBK batches, along with the ease of preparation is a plus for me. I wouldn't want to split extract kits, or do 2.5 gallon BIABs two weeks out of three.

So I guess I'll keep my Homebrew Club account active and stick with it, even though I have nothing but contempt for the way they mishandled the community board.

I hate to treat them as just another supplier, but I guess they did it to themselves.
It's good to see you again , Dave! This place is feeling more and more like "home" every time I log on. (Even though the paint scheme is different. :lol: )

As far as Mr. Beer products go I haven't bought any since the new Spring Seasonal came out. And then it had almost been a year before that. No complaints about the product. I guess I just grew out of it.

As for the forum; I'll keep popping in there now and then just to see if they're doing anything to improve the place. But I am seriously doubting they will. It's a shame. It was the best forum of any kind I had ever been on. But now it looks like it's time to move on and help to make this one an even better one.
Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into
Are awake through years with transferred touch and go on glowing
For long years.
And for this reason some old things are lovely
Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them.

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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by RickBeer »

I see the screw up to the forum and their product as two different things. I liked the forum a lot, I enjoy providing guidance to those asking for it, but that has no impact on where I buy things from. The forum gives Mr. Beer free customer support, which we get no compensation for (like with most forums). So, if you don't like the company, it makes little sense to help on their forum.

I don't think the cluster&*#@ they made in the past few weeks has anything to do with their products or strategy. I think they screwed up big time and have no idea how to fix it. Simple incompetence.

My first purchase of Mr. Beer was on where I acquired my initial kit 18 months ago, and made my first batch last summer. I placed two orders with Mr. Beer - one in late August for 1/2 price with coupons, the other in October when they cleared out the old inventory for $5. I haven't bought since, and likely won't again since once I use the remaining 9 refills up I plan on doing 100% extract recipes with steeps - it's cheaper and more enjoyable for me.

So, their screwup of the forum didn't stop me buying there, but it will stop me from posting often or perhaps at all. The amount of newbies posting over there lately is near nil, and if none of them find this forum that would be a shame, but Mr. Beer will have to live with the decreased sales.

Speaking of decreased sales, their forum change will cause a precipitous drop in natural search traffic, they didn't setup a 302 redirect, or even any redirect for the main forum much less any page in the forum. Unbelievable!
I have over 9,000 posts on "another forum", which means absolutely nothing. Mr. Beer January 2014 Brewer of the Month with all the pomp and circumstance that comes with it...

Certificate in Brewing and Distillation Technology

Sites to find beer making supplies: Adventures in Homebrewing - Mr. Beer - MoreBeer
My Beer - click to reveal
Currently using 6 LBKs.

Beers I regularly brew:
Bell's Best Brown clone
Irish Hills Red - I call this "Ann Arbor Red"
Mackinac Island Red - I call this "Michigan Red"
Oatmeal Stout - I call this Not Fat, Stout - Oatmeal Stout

Bottled 5 gallons of Ann Arbor Red on 4/18/17. Bottled 5 gallons of Michigan Red on 5/8/17.

Brewed in 2017 - 22.13 gallons (19.91 in 2012, 48.06 in 2013, 61.39 in 2014, 84.26 in 2015,46.39 in 2016)
Brewed in lifetime - 282.14 gallons
Drinkable beer on hand -  13.58 cases, with 6.11 cases ready in May and early June.
Average cost per 12 pack through all beer brewed - $6.27(ingredients only)
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Yankeedag »

FIT, actually, harvesting the yeast in the C-Brew (that's what I call it for two reasions: 1 it's a conical, 2 you can see your brew) is easy. The trub gathers below the tap level, and then, it's easy to add some wash water to it, give it a swirl, settle for just a wee bit, then harvest the yeast. I'd have to eyeball the new lower tap.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by BrownstotheBone »

Being a new brewer and only finding the Mr.BEER forum weeks before it's demise, this whole thing amazes me.

Having gone from completely clueless to getting very well schooled on the basics from some fantastically nice and helpful people in a few short weeks was one thing...
But when it all came crashing down and all these knowledgeable people got displaced, it really had me concerned. Right as I was ramping up my interest and learning, someone yanked the carpet out from under my feet!

I think a testament to what made that forum great (the little I was able to see it) is the way this site is being received and the sense of relief I feel from everyone here.
So so happy I was steered in the right direction and have found a place as cool as this to call my beer home. I feel like I've learned so much in such a short amount of time thanks to all of you.

Now, on to my first batch prime and bottling of my Mexican Cerveza Deluxe on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. If I get it done in time I may brew another today as well. Too much fun!
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Tabasco »

It is not malicious, contemptible or spiteful in any way to migrate to a borg that you prefer. The MrBeer "regulars" have provided the MrB borg with years of support via community participation. They provided "advanced" sections for us, and we turned around and reminded each other and them how we enjoyed their fine products and remained appreciative of the extracts.

So we don't owe them and they don't owe us. I'm sure their technical change wasn't meant to be malicious. Maybe they were paying a fair nut for maintenance and hosting on the old borg, and gave an employee or intern a crack at redoing it, and let him/her have autonomy, trusting the results would be good, and the costs would be lower. If that's the case, and I merely guessed, that person would be crushed at the exodus. But I have no idea what, where or why was done by who.

This board is real good. Louie did a fine job, best looking forum I've seen. You are all entitled to choice where you borgsville is, and who you borg with. This already looks like an excellent choice.

Big hoorah. :party:
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Tabasco »

Tabasco wrote:It is not malicious, contemptible or spiteful in any way to migrate to a borg that you prefer. The MrBeer "regulars" have provided the MrB borg with years of support via community participation. They provided "advanced" sections for us, and we turned around and reminded each other and them how we enjoyed their fine products and remained appreciative of the extracts.

So we don't owe them and they don't owe us. I'm sure their technical change wasn't meant to be malicious. Maybe they were paying a fair nut for maintenance and hosting on the old borg, and gave an employee or intern a crack at redoing it, and let him/her have autonomy, trusting the results would be good, and the costs would be lower. If that's the case, and I merely guessed, that person would be crushed at the exodus. But I have no idea what, where or why was done by who.

This board is real good. Louie did a fine job, best looking forum I've seen. You are all entitled to choose where you borgsville is, and who you borg with. This already looks like an excellent choice.

Big hoorah. :party:
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by joechianti »

Great points! A house doesn't make a home, the people living in it make it a home. Mr Beer provided a location, and I appreciate that. But the members are the ones who gave it it's wonderful personality. I have a hard time imagining that forum ever being any more than a shadow of itself again unless there's some seriously drastic changes as well as a return of some strong core members. Without that, it's most likely to be a lightweight forum for promoting Mr Beer products for and by predominately newbie customers. Even the search function for all the archived advice is gone. More new customers than ever will likely be disappointed with their results and fall off by the wayside, resulting in lower sales volume. But surely once this becomes obvious, Mr Beer will make the necessary adjustments to turn it around. :opps:
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by gwcr »

I agree with most everything said above. I started with MB and thankfully found the forum before my first brew. Otherwise I'm sure I would have done the 1-1-fridge-drink-hate-quit method. The people and helpful advice from that forum are what gave me the knowledge to improve my brewing. I'd like to see FD bring the RCE over here as well. That alone improved my processes and confidence by leaps and bounds. The people make the place, and this place is awesome!

As far as MB products, I had my favorites and not so favorites. Once my old inventory runs out, I honestly can't see me buying any more. The LBKs were unique, but way more difficult to clean than a bucket. But they gave me my start so I'll always have a special place on my brew shelf for them.

Fermenting: Bucket 1 - Fresh Squeezed IPA; Bucket 2 - Empty

Kegged: Keg 1 - Irish Red; Keg 2 - Cream Ale; Keg 3 - Amber Ale; Keg 4 - APA; Keg 5 - Empty; Keg 6 - Empty; Keg 7 - Empty
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Tabasco »

gwcr wrote: The LBKs were unique, but way more difficult to clean than a bucket. But they gave me my start so I'll always have a special place on my brew shelf for them.

I predominately use fermenter pails now, but I still like the LBK for the occasional HME. It's just that I've grown to appreciate the taste and character of AG's much better.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Gymrat »

I never wanted to say this on the MrBeer forum because I didn't want to disparage their products on their website. But I absolutely hated those LBKs. They were a pain to clean and I had difficulty seeing inside of them to make sure I got absolutely everything out of them. A white bucket is oh so much easier. And there is no reason you can't do small batches in a white bucket. During primary fermentation there is nothing wrong with a lot of head space. The C02 will fill it.
You just want to avoid too much head space if you do a secondary.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by Yankeedag »

I always managed to cut myself with the rim of the LBK's when washing them out. I have a C-Brew and I like it. I've not cut myself once cleaning it.
But Gymrat is right, a plastic pail with a lid will work just fine.
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Re: Mr. Beer loyalty

Post by FedoraDave »

gwcr wrote:I'd like to see FD bring the RCE over here as well. That alone improved my processes and confidence by leaps and bounds.
No worries. It's gonna migrate here. I'm just not sure which forum would be the best to post it in. I'll also have to change the criteria a little. Before, I went with Level 1 being only MB HME recipes. Not sure where that leaves me now, but I'll think of something.

Keep your eyes open. It'll be announced after Labor Day.
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