My new baby

Have a question on how to keg your beer or just want some tips on bottling! Don't stick a cork in it until you ask the Borg!

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My new baby

Post by Kealia »

I've been using picnic taps for the past few years on my kegs inside my wine fridge. I also have a mini fridge that I use for bottles that I've often thought about converting to a kegerator. I'm just not a particularly handy guy so I've been putting it off...

A few days ago I was checking Craigslist and found a great Edgestar kegerator that was less than 2 years old with a dual tap tower. I contacted the seller and found out that he was moving on Sunday and was motivated to sell. I left town for a few days assuming it would be gone on Friday when I got home but when I called him he said he still had it. He was asking $450 but I offered him $350 and he took it.

So this came home with me last night:

Here's what it came with:
- Brand-new, never used faucets. He bought Perlicks, which he was keeping so he put the original new ones back on.
- A 5lb CO2 tank (which I already had)
- Regulator (which I already had)
- Johnson Controller (which I already had)
- Manifold for the CO2 to split to 2 kegs (which I already had)

This thing is PRISTINE inside and out:

I spent about 2 hours today moving my wine fridge out and moving this in, replacing the beer lines, swapping in my CO2 tank and regulator and swapping in my JC (its a newer version).

What I really like about this unit is that it has a mount on the back for the CO2 tank which allows it to stay outside of the kegerator so there is some extra space inside for bombers, etc.


I can sell of the parts I don't need, including the wine fridge now and get my out of pocket cost for this down to about $250 or lower!
But, I just realized that the extra JC and wine fridge would allow me to have temp controlled fermentation chamber year-round now :banana:
(I've used my mini fridge in the past, but it requires me to empty it and store the stuff in there elsewhere when I wanted to do that)'s always handy to have an extra CO2 tank around for when one empties, right?

So I may or may not sell of the extra stuff - I don't know yet. But right now, my kegs are in the new kegerator and chilling for a pour tonight!

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Re: My new baby

Post by mtsoxfan »

Great deal!! Unless you are strapped for cash, why not keep it all? Like you said, you could put it to use.... and have spares.. I've never seen a back mounted tank. I';ve seen holes drilled, but never a mounting braket. Cool...
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Re: My new baby

Post by Kealia »

Odds are that I will keep it all.

He also threw this growler in:

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Re: My new baby

Post by Inkleg »

Nice score Ron, first pours from a new system are tasty indeed. And a full time fermentation fridge is a nice thing to have. :clink:
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Re: My new baby

Post by Inkleg »

Ok, for throwing that in my face, I take back my other post. :p
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Re: My new baby

Post by FrozenInTime »

Nice score!
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Re: My new baby

Post by Gymrat »

You are going to love this thing. I am all for keeping the spare stuff. You will need that CO2 bottle to push the beer out of your conical when you get it. :clink:
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Re: My new baby

Post by Kealia »

LOL, I would say that I am never going to buy a conical but I remember when I said things like:
"I'll never brew more than one batch at a time"
"I'll never keg"
"I'll never have more than 1 keg"

You can see where this is going...
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Re: My new baby

Post by Inkleg »

Kealia wrote:You can see where this is going...
Yep, the same place the rest of us have been.

For some reason I now want to buy a house with a basement, with a drain in the floor of such said basement. :idea:
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Re: My new baby

Post by Beer-lord »

Awesome score Ron!
And, I have 2 of the Stone growlers but with a different design on them. Only way to get them was to get it filled with Self Sublimely in one and Enjoy By in the other earlier this year.
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Re: My new baby

Post by Kealia »

I had a test pint, or two last night - pours like a charm.

It's not in a good place for lighting/pictures but I'll see what I can do later. I'll try and video the next pour, but if that doesn't work I may just have to do it again. And again. That's how much I love you guys and what I'm willing to do to capture the moment.
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Re: My new baby

Post by rickbray66 »

Indeed!!! That is a nice score!!


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Re: My new baby

Post by Inkleg »

Kealia wrote:I'll try and video the next pour, but if that doesn't work I may just have to do it again. And again. That's how much I love you guys and what I'm willing to do to capture the moment.
If that's not true Bromance, I don't know what is. A video of you enjoying your good beer, while we sit thousands of miles away. :huh:
Next you'll be showing pictures of yourself at Stone Brewe...... wait, never mind.
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A Toast to Big Fuzzy Russian Imperial Stout at 10%
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Re: My new baby

Post by Kealia »

Hey, did you team up with Paul to concoct some Nawlin's voodoo on me? Have a cold today so I stayed home and rested. No pours tonight :(
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Re: My new baby

Post by Kealia » wife gets home the other day and I show her my new kegerator. She thinks it's "pretty".
Then I show her all the extra stuff and start talking about what I might do with it ,etc. and what does she say?

"So now you have a dedicated fermentation chamber that you can control temps on, right?"

I. Love. Her.
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