I've used this Wildflower Honey before in a mead, and it's wonderful... I'm hoping that I have not overdone it on Buckwheat Honey - it's potent stuff. We shall see.Buck-Flower Mead
by russki
2 lbs. Wildflower Honey
1 lb. Buckwheat Honey
1 tsp yeast nutrient
0.5 tsp yeast energizer
Water to 1 gallon
1 5g pack of Red Star Pasteur Champagne Wine Yeast
Put honey jars in hot water to warm it up a bit and make easier to pour. Sanitize a 1-gallon jug, screw-top, stopper and airlock. Pour the honey into the jug (I added some water to empty jars to get every last bit out), add 1/2 gallon of water, screw the top on, and shake-shake-shake... When all the honey is dissolved, top to 1 gallon, add yeast energizer and nutrient, shake some more, sprinkle yeast into the must, fit stopper with airlock, and wait till it's done.
Measured OG: 1.114
Oh, and I still have 4# of Cranberry Honey... I'm thinking of making a semi-sweet or sweet mead and racking it on some cranberries in secondary.... Mmm...