Brewbirds wrote:Wow those are as close to identical as any I've seen and they sound awesome.
Now as I understand it on this side Steve's was bottled and yours was a first or second draw from the tap?
Steve's was bottled from the keg and mine was poured directly from the tap when I did this.
Brewbirds wrote:
The head color looks identical but in Steve's I'm seeing some great big bubbles rising up so how would you compare the carb levels and head retention between the two?
I'd say the carb levels were identical. The head retention was comparable, too.
Brewbirds wrote:
Curious if there are differences you can notice between one being bottled and the other being kegged.
None at all.
Brewbirds wrote:
I know you said that yours wasn't as clear but that is typical for the first few glasses from a keg correct?
With a dry-hop, yes. What you can't tell from the pic is that these are 3-4oz glasses, not full pint glasses. By the time I pulled a full pint of my own it was much clearer than my sample pic was.
This was a lot of fun to brew and compare. I'm amazed at how close they came out. It will be interesting to see what Steve thinks when he receives mine in a few days.