I ran Google's image finder against the pic and it came back with three possibilities:Inkleg wrote:You saw the picture at the post office too Rick. I hope they catch that guy soon.RickBeer wrote:Too bad some motley looking guy is wearing your new shirt in the pic...
1) A pic of the guy in the BEFORE picture from a razor ad. "This is a guy before he shaved with our razor."
2) A pic out of a medical journal, showing what happens to people's necks when they don't shower often enough, they get that creeping crud on them, looks like a beard to people that need glasses.
3) A picture from a "How To Use Your Cellphone" tutorial, where their budget was tight so they hired a homeless person, gave him a cellphone, and told him to make pretend he was having a conversation.
4) It could also be a pic from the "My Beard Is Weak" members website.
I'm pretty sure it's #2, but it might be #4.