Go to the BJCP site http://www.bjcp.org/stylecenter.php The sidebar has scheduled competitions, and in most cases there's a link to the comp's site, where you'll find whatever you need to enter. They'll walk you through all the requirements at the comp site.myhorselikesbeer wrote:FedoraDave wrote:
Go for the competition, Horse! Excellent experience, and we'll be behind you all the way. What are you thinking of entering?
I'm thinking of doing my Irish Red, a Porter and a Stout. What sort of info do I need to submit about style when entering? Do I give them my numbers/calculations?
You'll also find BJCP style guidelines, which are very helpful in creating a recipe if you're going to brew with a comp in mind.
The one I entered last February didn't require any recipes or notes or anything last year, but this year there was a style sheet. I can't remember if it was required, but I filled it out and will include it with my entries.
Might as well bookmark the BJCP site. It's a great reference.