Clear beer from a keg's first glass

Have a question on how to keg your beer or just want some tips on bottling! Don't stick a cork in it until you ask the Borg!

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Clear beer from a keg's first glass

Post by Beer-lord »

Got an email from Williams $45, it cost as much as my keg. Nah, I'll spend my money on SS fermenters but not this.
Do you want to drink clear beer as soon as your keg is carbonated? The Clear Beer Draught System is a patented floating beer pick up tube to fit any Cornelius style soda keg. It replaces the beer out dip tube with silicone tubing attached to a all-stainless swivel float. The stainless swivel float keeps the beer pick up tube right below the surface of the beer, letting you draw the clearest beer from the first draw to the very end. The swiveling pickup tube initially points down (when you are far away from the sediment) and then swivels to point upright when you get near the bottom, avoiding sediment. Very efficient, in our tests, all the was left in a 5 gallon keg was a cup of beer at the bottom.
Keg (Small).JPG
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Re: Clear beer from a keg's first glass

Post by BigPapaG »

Seems like a good idea though, and probably pretty easy to MacGyver...

Figuring out the bladder seems to be the challenge, not the hoses, new dip tube or bracket.

Probably want something filled with CO2 instead of air (in case it leaked)... Maybe a small balloon?

Or something more permanent, maybe with an air valve to adjust internal bladder pressure...

Hmmm, stainless tubing threaded fittings, o-rings, air valve... :idea:

Just thinking...

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Re: Clear beer from a keg's first glass

Post by FrozenInTime »

Yet, another gadget.... LOL. Good idea, but I don't have much problems with dirty beer after drawing out the first cup. It might be SS, but it looks to me like another surface to touch the beer that could carry bacteria, germs, etc. I think I can live without it. Thanks for the post thought, it's interesting.
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Re: Clear beer from a keg's first glass

Post by Beer-lord »

I really don't loose much beer to junk except maybe when I do aggressive keg hopping. I really don't care if the beer is very clear but I understand that those that compete, want that.....need that and there's something for everyone I guess.
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