Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

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Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by Bluejaye »

I had read several posts on the old forum before it was "improved" about people fermenting this thing "hot," like mid-70s and even in the 80s. But given that the Mr. Beer instructions say to ferment it "between 63° and 75° F", and the yeast vendor says "above 17°C (63°F)" is there a reason for the "hot" recomendations?

I ask because scheduling this Summer left me unable to get to this, but in 2 weeks I should finally be able to. But by that time, there is little to no chance of my basement getting above 68°, and the rest of the house's temperature fluctuates pretty crazy while away at work.

So, any reason not to start this now, knowing it isn't going to get "hot?" I could wait until next Summer, but I'm pretty sure the expiration date on the yeast is before then, or cutting it pretty close. Comments? Suggestions?

As always, thanks for the input.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by jivex5k »

The hotter it ferments the more yeast character it develops in the flavor.
So yeah, it will be fine around 66-68, just might not have as much of that spicy/peppery zing.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by Tabasco »

I brew all summer. It's hit 80 deg in my basement, but not higher.

Do I get off flavors? Dunno. I guess. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... off flavors .................
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by zorak1066 »

ive got a 1 gallon saison au miele coming from northern brewer. what would happen if i stuck the fermenter in an ice chest, put water in it up to the wort level, and fermented in a garage that hits 87-100f during the day? i think the ice chest would keep the water temp from rising too radically wouldnt it? how funky would 90s make the beer if it didnt work?
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by John Sand »

The ice chest, water, and wort volume will all buffer temperature changes. I believe it will slowly rise to the average of hourly temps. I read on HBT and elsewhere that Saisons often ferment warm. I made one this summer, (it's conditioning) after our heat wave. In a kitchen with daytime temps in the eighties, it was steady around 73. That was in the LBK, with no other control.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by Crazy Climber »

I brewed a Saison this summer at room temp -- averaged about 73 in the LBK. Came out great, with what I consider to be a proper amount of yeast character. I used WLP565 Saison I. I was concerned about an incomplete fermentation, but it did the job on it's own. I was more than pleased with the result, given the fact that I didn't ferment all that warm, and was using a finicky yeast.

My point being: you CAN still get a great Saison without too much effort. It's worth a shot, even if you can't replicate the ideal conditions precisely.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by losman26 »

I've heard that this yeast can handle temps in 80's, and that it is recommended to do so. I've got my White IPA with the Belle saison yeast at about 79F right now.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by jivex5k »

I've had a couple saisons go up to ~ 90F....they came out pretty damn good.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by DaYooper »

I just tasted my 5 gallon "Belle Of The Ball" that I used the dry Danstar belle saison yest in. Sample last night tasted fantastic so am bottling tonite. I basically started out low and ramped up about 2 degrees each day. I should have kept better personal notes but I ramped this one up to either 85 or 90, held it for a few days, then started dropping it down two degrees per day so the yeast wouldnt get too pissy with large swings. I plan on doing the same thing to the summer seasonal - was just waiting for a LBK to free up.

If this works out I doubt I will go back to the liquid versions as those stuck fermentations get old.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by Rebel_B »

Fired up another batch of MrB seasonal 'Biere De Saison' last night. Vigorous fermentation going on right now, my LBK is at 74 degrees right now.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by asnider »

John Sand wrote:I read on HBT and elsewhere that Saisons often ferment warm.
Yep, they're basically designed for brewing during the hot summer months when most other styles were difficult to brew before modern temperature controls.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by mashani »

asnider wrote:
John Sand wrote:I read on HBT and elsewhere that Saisons often ferment warm.
Yep, they're basically designed for brewing during the hot summer months when most other styles were difficult to brew before modern temperature controls.
Historically speaking it would be more accurate to say they were strains that didn't mind large temperature variations or temperature swings as much as others, and made beer regardless. Saisons were often brewed in the fall or winter for summer consumption, not just in the heat of summer. The strains would work at cool, even cold temperatures too, just slooowly. This behavior does still exist in yeast like French Saison and even T-58, and some other strains. But don't try this with the Belgian Saison strains we can get, those are very much hot weather strains and you can get up into the 90s, even push 100 and still get beer, but they will get stuck at colder temps.
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by asnider »

Cool, good to know!
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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by rickbray66 »

mashani wrote:
asnider wrote:
John Sand wrote:I read on HBT and elsewhere that Saisons often ferment warm.
Yep, they're basically designed for brewing during the hot summer months when most other styles were difficult to brew before modern temperature controls.
Historically speaking it would be more accurate to say they were strains that didn't mind large temperature variations or temperature swings as much as others, and made beer regardless. Saisons were often brewed in the fall or winter for summer consumption, not just in the heat of summer. The strains would work at cool, even cold temperatures too, just slooowly. This behavior does still exist in yeast like French Saison and even T-58, and some other strains. But don't try this with the Belgian Saison strains we can get, those are very much hot weather strains and you can get up into the 90s, even push 100 and still get beer, but they will get stuck at colder temps.
Indeed. I'm doing my second can of "White IPA Spring Seasonal" using the Belgian Saison yeast and fermenting at 84 degrees. The first time I used this yeast last year, it took over 4 weeks to finish fermenting.

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Re: Biere De Saison fermenting temperatures

Post by Foothiller »

I have used Fermentis T-58 and Wyeast 3522 (Belgian Ardennes) with temperatures of 80 and above, have tasty results, and would expect the same from the Danstar yeast. I will be trying the Danstar in 3 weeks. I have read that T-58 actually likes some temperature swings.
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