wish list..NB kits. anyone try these?

Yes BrewDemon and Mr. Beer kits are pretty darn easy but sometime you need a little help from the Borg to get you on the right track. Post your questions here!

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wish list..NB kits. anyone try these?

Post by zorak1066 »

my wish list for when we get moved and the dust settles:

all northern brewer kits..extract with steeping grains... 5gallon.. yeast mentioned.

private rye - us05

synch extraordinaire wheaton saison - belle saison

advantageous weizenbock - wyeast 3638

barley wine - us05

Belgian dubbel - wlp500...made this before and loved it but this time I was going to use 1 lb d180 instead of the candi sugar solid

patersbier - wyeast 3787 , was going to add 1 lb golden candi syrup.

anyone do these? for the adv weizenbock is the yeast a good choice?

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Re: wish list..NB kits. anyone try these?

Post by mashani »

Patersbier - I make batches of this stuff or similar stuff every summer. Don't mess with it the first time you brew it. It does not need candi syrup. It's light bodied and dry enough as is. And very tasty.

Synch extraordinaire wheaton saison - I've not made that exact recipe, but I've made saisons with a wit beer base, and they are delicious, so I'm sure this would be too.
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Re: wish list..NB kits. anyone try these?

Post by zorak1066 »

thanks mashani... ok on the patersbier. cant wait to get moved and settled in. I really miss brewing stuff. had my first barley wine style beer the other day... 'back burner'. cant recall who makes it. um... er.. very confusing to me. it's got a sweetness, an uber citrus hoppy like grapefruit, a slight alcoholy burn.. and some kind of dark fruity taste. like the saison my first impression was to make a Scooby doo 'er?' noise. I think i'll scale down the barley wine and try a 1 gal batch before I commit to 5 gallons.

their dubbel was outstanding but lacked the dark plum / raisin quality I got with other dubbels. that's why the switch to the d180. I liked all the beers ive made with the wlp500.
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