20140326_163758 (640x480).jpg (90.39 KiB) Viewed 350 times
My Co2 tank shows on the side that it should be refilled when it weighs 11.5 lbs, however my scale broke a few days ago, so I have no way of weighing it. I have a regulator and was wondering if this looks like I should get the tank refilled or hook this up to my porter tomorrow and hope it lasts
#15 There Gose 'Nother Semester - Gone
#16 Two Brothers Brown - Gone
#17 Home Toasted Pale - Gone
#18 Porter Potty - Gone
#19 I do IPA - Gone
#20 Max Capacity Stout - One Left in the cellar
#21 Not So Independent Scotch Ale - Drinking
#22 Berliner Weisse - Gone
#23 Fruit Fallacy IPA - Carbonating
BigPapaG wrote:
Colder reads less, warmer reads more.
This. Tank pressure gauges on CO2 tanks are completely pointless. The only time you know you need a refill is when the gauge shows zero. Because CO2 is liquid inside the tank, the pressure gauge can only show the pressure in the headspace; this value depends on the temperature of the tank, but not on the amount of CO2 left inside.
Hook it up, and keep an eye on it. If you wake up in the morning, and it's at zero - get'er filled!
In Soviet Russia, beer brews you!
My brews
Strawberry Rhubarb Wheat (5-gal)(AG)
Cranberry Mead
Buck-Flower Mead
Flanders Red (5-gal)(AG) x 2 On Tap:
Hefeweizen (5-gal)(AG)
Oaked Pear Cider
#15 There Gose 'Nother Semester - Gone
#16 Two Brothers Brown - Gone
#17 Home Toasted Pale - Gone
#18 Porter Potty - Gone
#19 I do IPA - Gone
#20 Max Capacity Stout - One Left in the cellar
#21 Not So Independent Scotch Ale - Drinking
#22 Berliner Weisse - Gone
#23 Fruit Fallacy IPA - Carbonating