Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by mashani »

Trub bottle. OMG OMG OMG. It's like drinking a herb salad with a tart lemon and pinapple dressing with a bit of honey and some hazelnuts and fresh crushed peppercorns. Freaking awesome if you like funky saisons. As you can see even though I primed it lightly compared to how I normally prime saisons, it has a lot of carb - because the Brett is finishing it up as it ages in the bottle. It even looks like dandelions / summer.

It's dropped some points in the bottle, and it's really quite dry. I don't expect gushers from it. It should just about be to the point where the brett gets really slow. Even if it does start to carb too much I'll just throw it all in the fridge and drink it happily as it is.
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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by BigPapaG »

It sure does look and sound great!

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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by mashani »

The warmer it gets the more tart and funky it gets, but this is a good thing if you are into that. It is so dry/tart that I'd swear I used Bella not T-58. Just hints of honey flavor which is really nice. It's got a little bit of DuPont like bubble gum coming through too, and I have no idea where that's coming from. I've never had T-58 or Brett C make bubblegum. Or maybe if the T-58 does it's at such a low level that you don't normally taste it against the malt, but since this is so dry now it's standing out.

Nobody would argue that this is a saison, that's for sure.
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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by BigPapaG »

mashani wrote:The warmer it gets the more tart and funky it gets, but this is a good thing if you are into that. It is so dry/tart that I'd swear I used Bella not T-58. Just hints of honey flavor which is really nice. It's got a little bit of DuPont like bubble gum coming through too, and I have no idea where that's coming from. I've never had T-58 or Brett C make bubblegum. Or maybe if the T-58 does it's at such a low level that you don't normally taste it against the malt, but since this is so dry now it's standing out.

Nobody would argue that this is a saison, that's for sure.
Mmmm, yum...

Watch for xploding PETs...

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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by mashani »

Caps are not bulging nor are bottoms distorted and I think the Brett will be pretty slow at this point. Worst case i'll throw it all in the fridge, but I primed this really lightly to begin with, so the yeast have to eat a lot to make PET bombs... EDIT: I'm in the taproom if your around...
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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by mashani »

Just consumed one of these with some age. Still not overcarbing or foaming. But funkier. A lot of wet hay from the Brett and very earthy. Dry as heck, I still don't believe I used T-58 in this. It's as dry as a Bella beer, but not as tart. I like it but I won't ever be able to duplicate it.
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Re: Fresh Dandelion Sorachi Saison - - Now with Brett C

Post by mashani »

Since I've been wishing I saw a dandelion lately - yes even though I ski I'm starting to get tired of snow - I popped open one of these to see how they are aging again. I've got about 5 bottles left.

The Brett is still working, they are funkier and drier, earthy, nutty, lemony, more wet hay like funk then pinapple now, yet still delicious. But this bottle was a slight foamer, so I think they are starting to overcarb due to the brett slowly chewing on it. Will toss another in the fridge, if it's also a foamer then I'm going to toss them all in and finish them up.
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