Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

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Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by FedoraDave »

I decided way back when that I was going to enter the Copperbottom Lager in the competition. I didn't brew it for that purpose specifically, but was thinking that if it turned out well, it would definitely be represented.

Now, I've got a case of South Ferry Steam Beer that's only been in the bottle for two weeks. But yesterday I put two bottles in the fridge, just to see how it was going. I had them tonight with my dinner, and after reviewing the BJCP guidelines for a California Common, and tasting this, young as it is, I'm definitely going to enter it, too.

Color is good, albeit a little cloudy, but I think it'll clear up over time, and the comp isn't until early February. Head is off-white and lingering, but not much lacing.

My nose is a little stuffed from working outdoors in the cold all day, so I can't address aroma now. But the flavor and body is good, I think, and the balance between hops and malt is also satisfactory.

I'm not necessarily looking for a podium spot with either of these beers, although I'll take it, certainly. But, especially with the South Ferry, since I'm really attempting to brew to a fairly specific style (American Dark Lager is kind of an open style, when you think about it), I want to know how I'm doing. I like this beer. I think it's a good recipe, and it's in the stable permanently. But I'd like to know just how authentic a Cali Common it is. I actually think I'll be more interested in the score sheets/comments for this entry than I will be for the Copperbottom.

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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by Inkleg »

Good Luck Dave! :clink:
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by jimjohson »

Best of luck, Dave!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by John Sand »

Good luck!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by FedoraDave »

And I found out yesterday that they opened the registration 11/19! I hadn't expected it that early, and they're also limiting the number of entries. I registered this morning, and I'm all paid and ready to print my labels, which I'll do this weekend. Good thing I found out when I did, or I might have been shut out! :o
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by ScrewyBrewer »

Good luck Dave! Please keep us posted on your progress.
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by Rebel_B »

Good Luck!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by Beer-lord »

Go get em Dave!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by FedoraDave »

Thanks, guys.

I imagine I'll visit one of the drop-off locations in Manhattan in early January, which is what I've done in the past, and it'll give me a chance to see my daughter and her fiance again and treat everyone to lunch. And then it's just a matter of waiting until the first weekend in February for the announcement of the winners and the wait for the scoresheets to be mailed.

There's a lot of waiting when it comes to beer competitions, too, now that I think about it.
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by Dawg LB Steve »

Good luck Dave! I might enter a Brown Ale and Xmas. Depending on what goes on locally here and how many bottles I can hold back.
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by Bassman »

Reading this thread got me thinking of entering an extract ale just to see what the judges find. I'm not feeling that up to the task but it could be fun. That being said, I think I may volunteer as a steward. Back when I first was brewing I stewarded at the Brooklyn competition, the one that MBAS ran. It was a great experience and I got asked to join to clubs and got great tasting advice. I just may do it.
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by FrozenInTime »

Good luck! Hope you do well!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by mashani »


A well made extract brew, especially one made with fresh extract and some steeping grains, properly pitched, etc. can be an excellent beer, and can be as good or even better then many AG beers, and can win awards when blind tasted (so their is no "extract bias" that warps someone's brain). No reason to not enter such a thing if that's what you do. In a lot of cases it's more about good process and balance and adherence to style then something as simple as extract vs. AG.

@Fedora: Good luck!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by FedoraDave »

Mashani is correct about it being more about process. The last competition I entered resulted in comments that pretty much boiled down to "your recipe is a good start, but maybe your process could be improved."

Considering that one was a pilsner (a very fussy style) and one was an ordinary bitter (which relies a lot on Burtonized water, which I didn't bother with), even though my scores were a little disappointing to me, the whole experience was very valuable. If I really cared to engineer my water, or watch my lager fermentation temps every hour, I'd probably be making these recipes on a world-class scale.

But they're good beers, and frankly, I don't wanna work that hard for beers that I'm enjoying while unwinding after work.

Thanks for the good wishes, mashani!
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Re: Another entry for Homebrew Alley IX

Post by Kealia »

Good luck Dave. Now if you only knew somebody in California who could taste that Cali Common for you.....

Best wishes for good results, useful feedback - or both!
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