These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Have a question on how to keg your beer or just want some tips on bottling! Don't stick a cork in it until you ask the Borg!

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These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by losman26 »

Now that I just bought a chest freezer, it is time for me to buy another 2.5 gal keg. These kegs are slightly shorter and fit great in tight spaces. I'm thinking that I might be able to stack two of these in my chest freezer and put another 5 gal corny in there, as well as another 2.5 gal on the hump. Anyways, for the price and size, this is an absolute steal. ... _2823.html
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by Gymrat »

Are these Italian kegs? Or were they made in China? If they are Italian that is a really good price.
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by losman26 »

They are Chinese, but good for the price. I have one of the Italian ones and they are great, but these new ones are almost half the price, and shorter. I was skeptical of buying them, because of the "china" factor, but have been using two 5 gal versions of these for the last 6 months with good results.
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by Gymrat »

I have two chinese kegs and have been quite satisfied with them. I actually like them better than my old cornies because of the domed bottoms, and because I can reach my entire arm into them for cleaning. The conical I ordered was also made in China. I would have loved to have bought American but it was double the price to get the features I wanted. And when you are talking the difference between $400 and $800 that is very significant to me. Especially for an item that will be doing the same job I have been doing with buckets.

And yes that is still a very good price for those kegs you bought. Very nice score. :cheers:
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by losman26 »

The 5 gal kegs of these are awesome. Much shorter than the regular corner kegs, and maybe 1 inch larger in diameter. These 2.5 ones are fairly new, and sell out fast. The only thing that I have noticed about these Chinese kegs, is that you have to have the lids in a certain direction, otherwise they leak. With the regular Italian Kegs, it doesn't matter which direction the lid is pointing, the seal will always be tight.
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by Beer-lord »

I just sold 2 of those on craigslist last month. I still have 1 but it's of a bit better quality and I'm keeping it.

But, if you want 5 gallon corny's, get some. It seems that the used ones are starting to become harder and more expensive. Seems the homebrew biz took off and my LHBS said his suppliers are starting to worry about inventory. The new ones are more than twice as much (but they are awesome).
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by FrozenInTime »

Nice price for them on sale, but I'll stick to the Italian made ones.
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by losman26 »

FrozenInTime wrote:Nice price for them on sale, but I'll stick to the Italian made ones.
I like the italian ones too, but like the size better on the Chinese ones. I can probably cram one more extra keg in my setup because they are quite a bit shorter. I used to have 2- five galllon Italian corny kegs, and got rid of them for these, because it's much easier to fit into tight spaces.
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by rickbray66 »

I've been looking at those Chinese ones at AIH for quite some time now but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I have quite a few of the Italian ones, so it hasn't been pressing. But now that I know somebody who has actually tried these and liked them, I may rethink that. At the same time, however, now that I'm doing more 5 gallons batches, getting one or two 5 gallon kegs might not be a bad idea either.

Thanks for the info!!!

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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by Matth »

Wanted to keg today with my new 2.5 from AiH. I could not get the gas post and poppet to seal when pressure testing. I'm asking AiH to send a new post/poppet. I hope that fixes the leak. Will keep the borg posted.

Update post arrived yesterday, tested, all is well. Jason and Matt at AiH provided good customer service.
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Re: These new 2.5 gal kegs are awesome.

Post by ScrewyBrewer »

I have 3 of the italian ones and love them because I can fit 5 of them, if I had 2 more, in my beer fridge. I put 3 on the bottom and the other 2 on the top shelf and the door closes with a 1/2 inch to spare. I also cut a 1/2 inch off of the pickup tube to get cleaner pours, I wouldn't trade my kegging setup for anything I like it that much.
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