10 signs you might be a beer snob!

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10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by LouieMacGoo »

Worrying can spoil the taste of beer more then anything else! ~ Charles Papazian

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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by RedBEERd »

3, 7 and 8 are me to a T!
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by John Sand »

Well, none yet. But it did make me laugh.
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by berryman »

I hit on #9. I guess I got a ways to go to be a total beer snob :)
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by Kealia »

I've toyed with #1 before....but only at home when certain glasses were dirty and I just went with something else.

#8 yes - but only because I don't care for the way they taste, not on principle. I won't drink beer just for the sake of drinking beer so if there's not something that I really like I'm not drinking. I don't NEED beer, I LIKE beer and want to enjoy what I put in my mouth. Smartass comments to commence in 3...2...1....
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by braukasper »

HMM I would need to loosen up for that list to apply.
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by BlackDuck »

Kealia wrote:Smartass comments to commence in 3...2...1....
But it's no fun when your expecting it!!!
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by Chuck N »

Kealia wrote:I've toyed with #1 before....but only at home when certain glasses were dirty and I just went with something else.

#8 yes - but only because I don't care for the way they taste, not on principle. I won't drink beer just for the sake of drinking beer so if there's not something that I really like I'm not drinking. I don't NEED beer, I LIKE beer and want to enjoy what I put in my mouth. Smartass comments to commence in 3...2...1....
I agree with Kealia. #8 definitely applies to me. But because I don't like the way they taste and why consume anything that you don't like the taste of?

# 2 is a possibility except that, for me, I just won't serve anyone one of my beers until I've tried it myself and it meets with my approval. But I don't sit in a dark room to try it.

I have corrected the bartender on several occasions. But I was RIGHT!

So I guess 2 out of ten is pretty good.
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by Beer-lord »

I politely will leave no comment on the comments only on the original post (because I can't keep it clean).#6 was me when I first started brewing and right after I read Charlie Papazian's book for the first time.
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by jimjohson »

got to get behind #8
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by braukasper »

Reinheitsgebot Euch Alle !!!
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by mashani »

I'll drink Chimay any day. So no snob here.
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by FedoraDave »

Okay, lets dissect this list, shall we?

#1 - What's this "don't have the right glassware" crap? If you're a true beer snob, you have a vast collection of glassware, suitable for any style. This is an invalid entry.

#2 - Hogwash. Part of evaluating a beer is the appearance; its clarity, the SRM, the size and color of the head, and how long it lasts, the lacing, and much more. Also an invalid entry.

#3 - I'm beginning to think this list was written by an ignoramus. The beer being served/consumed should fit the occasion and/or the food accompanying it. Is it a formal dinner? A Super Bowl party? A cheese-tasting event? A chocolate-tasting event? These details matter, and the beer served should be appropriate, not just "superior."

#4 - Bartenders often don't know anything about beer except which way to hold the glass when drawing it. Unless it's a specialty beer bar, I would expect to know more about beer than the bartender.

#5 - Again, if Chimay is appropriate for the occasion/food, I will not turn my nose up.

#6 - It's not necessary to work "Reinheitsgebot" into the conversation if you're wearing the T shirt. I got mine.

#7 - I never make suggestions in the beer aisle. I tried once and got my face slapped. Although it wasn't a suggestion about beer, so I guess I had it coming. And of course I'm going to criticize what's in their shopping basket! Did you see how wilted that celery was? And those bananas had huge bruises on them!

#8 - This doesn't mean I'm a snob; it means I have the ability to taste.

#9 - If they pour it down the front of their shirt, then no, they don't know how to drink beer properly.

#10 - I've just proved this whole list wrong. QVC. No, wait, that's QED.
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by BlackDuck »

Looks like Dave has completely de-bunked the entire theory presented in that list.

Well Done!!!
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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Post by Inkleg »

You don't become "The Sensei of Brewing" by not practicing your Ninja Skills. :lol:
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