Today I had a meeting in Kalamazoo, MI that finished before noon and I had nothing else that I really needed to do so I headed over to Bell's Ecentric Café to have a pint of the newly released Hop Slam IPA. I know some of you don't care for it but this went down so smooth. I don't know about the hype but I enjoyed it.
Leaving Kazoo I drove 2 hours back home and stopped by the new Liberty Street Brewing Co. Production facility where some of my homebrewc club peeps were celebrating MLK (Mash, Lauder, Krausen) day by brewing. I wish I could have joined them but I was glad I could visit.
Worrying can spoil the taste of beer more then anything else! ~ Charles Papazian
Oh the joys of getting of work early.
Their brewery looks like Jekyll Brewery we visited.
Naked Cat Brewery On Tap
Yazoo Sue Smoked Porter
Le Petite Saison
Czech Pale Lager
A Toast to Big Fuzzy Russian Imperial Stout at 10%
Belgian Blond
Flower Power IPA
4 Kilts Clueless Belgian Strong
One Wort Two Yeast with Wyeast 2206
One Wort Two Yeast with WLP940
Shipwreck Saison
Nothing Conditioning
Nothing Drinking 58. Choco Brown 60. Etcitra, Etcitra 61. Bubs' Pale Wheat Xtra 62. Ottoberfest Brew Queue
ROAR! Bacon
Saint Sebastian Tripel
Bubs' Pale Ale
Nice! Picked up a couple of sixers on Hopslam Day (aka Friday). My party store always saves me 1-2 of just about any special release knowing if I turn it down they can easily sell it. Delicious! Drank a few during the Packers game. Not so delicious. But at 10% abv, at least I didnt care as much.
Silverleaf Vineyard & Winery / Old Mission Hops Exchange / Porchside Vineyard / The North York Brewing Company