Lazy Magnollia-Me & Dev-Ale Fall Seasonal

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Lazy Magnollia-Me & Dev-Ale Fall Seasonal

Post by Beer-lord »

I'm not a big Lazy Magnolia fan (about an hour away from us in Mississippi) but I grabbed a 4-pack of this because it sounded good.
Me and the Dev-Ale is a rustic brew inspired by the Mississippi Delta Blues and its folklore. Our Autumnal release from the Lazy Magnolia Back Porch series is an 8% ABV Mississippi Strong Ale that pours a dark and sinister ruby red beneath a creamy off-white head. The seductive caramel-sweetness is enveloped by resinous pine and citrus hops aroma, while delivering to the palate sweet biscuit, with a deluge of spicy hop bitterness in the finish. Find yourself at the ‘crossroads’ of alluring malt character and deviant hop backbone in this infamous ale, while celebrating the Blues Legends of the Mississippi Delta.
It's very much like the description and I enjoyed it very much. Not sure how much rye is in it but it really made the beer.
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Re: Lazy Magnollia-Me & Dev-Ale Fall Seasonal

Post by Kealia »

I've seen and read a lot worse. Sometimes it's good to roll the dice, huh?
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