Satisfying brew day

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Satisfying brew day

Post by FedoraDave »

I made a fiver of 2Daves Irish Red yesterday, and I had forgotten how lovely the color and aroma is from this beer. I was also extremely happy to see the OG was 1.062, just slightly higher than predicted, so this will be a flavorful and satisfying Irish Red Ale, worth savoring in the early spring. Getting good krausen and regular burping through the blow-off, and I took a slight risk and decided to ferment in the basement, in spite of the cold temps down there. But the temp strip reads 62-64, so it's gonna be a smooth and mellow ale when it's done. Best of all, I'll be kegging it, so I'll have the satisfaction of tapping my pints from the keezer, beginning around St. Patrick's Day, appropriately enough!

It's experiences like this that remind me what a fulfilling hobby this is.
Obey The Hat!

Some regard me as a Sensei of Brewing
Fedora Brauhaus
Up Next:
Moon Shot Double IPA -- 2Daves Irish Red Ale
Ladybug Lager -- Schöenwald Schwarzbier -- Littlejohn's Ale -- King Duncan's Porter
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