And I have to say I loved it. The beer was cold, clear, well carbed and very convenient. Want half a glass? There you go! While I was a bit nervous about the whole thing, it didn't leak or anything bad.
* "Finished": I want to bottle/keg a batch tomorrow. (The keg is 2.5) I knew the current keg full must be close to empty, so I bottled two pints in swing tops. The third only filled halfway, and had too much foam anyway. I had failed to chill that bottle or vent the pressure first. So, I just have to drink it!
Making beer and stew for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Never mind, there it is.
Hopefully he will be able to control himself, unlike me. If not we can help come up with more ways for you to spend your money.
I have a total of 14 five gallon kegs, with 7 of them pouring beer right now.
Naked Cat Brewery On Tap
Yazoo Sue Smoked Porter
Le Petite Saison
Czech Pale Lager
A Toast to Big Fuzzy Russian Imperial Stout at 10%
Belgian Blond
Flower Power IPA
4 Kilts Clueless Belgian Strong
One Wort Two Yeast with Wyeast 2206
One Wort Two Yeast with WLP940
Shipwreck Saison
Hopefully he will be able to control himself, unlike me. If not we can help come up with more ways for you to spend your money.
I have a total of 14 five gallon kegs, with 7 of them pouring beer right now.
I have over 9,000 posts on "another forum", which means absolutely nothing. Mr. Beer January 2014 Brewer of the Month with all the pomp and circumstance that comes with it...
Certificate in Brewing and Distillation Technology
Beers I regularly brew:
Bell's Best Brown clone
Irish Hills Red - I call this "Ann Arbor Red"
Mackinac Island Red - I call this "Michigan Red"
Oatmeal Stout - I call this Not Fat, Stout - Oatmeal Stout
Bottled 5 gallons of Ann Arbor Red on 4/18/17. Bottled 5 gallons of Michigan Red on 5/8/17.
Brewed in 2017 - 22.13 gallons (19.91 in 2012, 48.06 in 2013, 61.39 in 2014, 84.26 in 2015,46.39 in 2016)
Brewed in lifetime - 282.14 gallons
Drinkable beer on hand - 13.58 cases, with 6.11 cases ready in May and early June.
Average cost per 12 pack through all beer brewed - $6.27(ingredients only)
Inkleg wrote: Hopefully he will be able to control himself, unlike me. If not we can help come up with more ways for you to spend your money.
I have a total of 14 five gallon kegs, with 7 of them pouring beer right now.
YEP I think he's hooked too, it's easy to do on most aspects of this obsession!
I'm working on catching to you Jeff, only have 6 five g. and 1 two and a halfer plus one 15.5 sanke. Have three pouring and four carbing. The sanke is waiting for the 15 G batch to finish fermenting, after we return from Nashville.
Currently Conditioning:
Cherry Mead
California Moscato
Currently enjoying:
Hardly Apple Cider on tap
Hardly Cherry Lime-Aid on tap
Oktoberfestive-Ale on tap
PGA Cider (Pear, Ginger, Apple) on tap 3rd Founders Cup 2016 King Of The Mountain on tap
Bottoms Up Brown on tap GOLD 2016 Ohio Brew Week Silver 2016 Ohio State Fair Silver 2016 Son of Brewzilla, Silver 2015 Son of Brewzilla, Bronze 2015 King Of The Mountain on tap
Ya, I like the flexibility of pouring what I want, although 99 times out of 100 it is probably to the rim.
Hoping to soon have 4 quarter barrels and 6 half barrels to play with. Even if I cut three of them up for keggles it still leaves me with 3 half barrels. That should keep me occupied (and looking for a bigger rig!).
Silverleaf Vineyard & Winery / Old Mission Hops Exchange / Porchside Vineyard / The North York Brewing Company
I have 9 kegs but usually only have 3 tapped. I could use the keezer to keep a few more but prefer to keep that as a fermentation chamber.
I love what kegging allows me to do. I've saved 2 very plain beers just by keg hopping them. They weren't stellar but I wouldn't have kept them otherwise.
I also like the idea that I can pour as little or as much as I want without wasting any.
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
I'm a total keg man now too. Plus, I received a beer gun for Christmas & I must say it works great for growlers to go or bottling. I have 2 kegs pouring now. But man, 7 at once, that's fantastic. Something to shoot for. Cheers Beer Brothers
I'm able to fit three kegs in my keezer (but just two taps), and at first I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to keep them all full and rotate through. But since I've got a lager in one of them that I don't intend to tap until April, now I'm wondering if I'll need to bottle one or two five-gallon batches.
Problems like this are the type of problems you want to have, though.
Up Next: 2Daves Irish Red Fermenting/Conditioning Ladybug Lager Drinking: FedoraDave's American Ale -- Schöenwald Schwarzbier -- Littlejohn's Ale -- King Duncan's Porter
Yeah, too much beer doesn't suck.
I'm still using my mini fridge for both the mini keg and bottles. It fits a case of bottles plus a 2.5gal keg. It will, I think, fit two 2.5s and three sixes. Right now I'm just using the picnic tap.
Making beer and stew for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Never mind, there it is.
Whatever works. I knew I wanted a permanent larger-scale dispensing system, so I went ahead and got a freezer, got my brother and his friend to do the conversion, and put a 3-keg/2-tap keezer together. If I figure I'd be upgrading anyway, I'm willing to go whole hog right out of the gate rather than take baby steps until I get there.
Up Next: 2Daves Irish Red Fermenting/Conditioning Ladybug Lager Drinking: FedoraDave's American Ale -- Schöenwald Schwarzbier -- Littlejohn's Ale -- King Duncan's Porter
You may be right. I've made that mistake with pots and fermenters. But there are other issues here, lack of space and limited electric. Jane suggested a kegorator in the basement, but I don't really want to go downstairs every time I want a beer.
Making beer and stew for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Never mind, there it is.