Nope, not when you start early and have lots of high gravity beers. I'm already sort of stupid to begin with so I have to cut myself off early. But, I'm getting the BBQ ready for dinner so part two might be coming up.
At my age, bed time could come early.
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
It's February, Man. What's with all the green shit on your trees? And...Are those blossoms? What kind of alien world do you live in?
Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into
Are awake through years with transferred touch and go on glowing
For long years.
And for this reason some old things are lovely
Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them.
75 yesterday, 71 today which is rare for February. Normal highs are 58. That's tomorrow's weather.
Yeah, nice huh? Keep your white stuff, we don't want any.
But the bad news is I will be cutting the lawn soon.
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
Mowing the lawn is better then tromping through 2 feet of snow trying to find the dog shit that is trying to melt its way to the center of the earth. Just sayin.