A Quick Pop IN Question

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A Quick Pop IN Question

Post by braukasper »

A Quick Pop IN Question in a steep what would be used instead of Barley, Flaked (must be mashed)
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Re: A Quick Pop IN Question

Post by mashani »

Assuming it's meant for mouthfeel and head retention and it's a small amount of the grain bill and it's going to be in a dark beer where you don't care about potential starch haze, go ahead and steep it. Steeping it will extract the beta glucans and proteins. It just won't convert the starches to sugars.

That said, it would not be hard to throw a few oz of 2 row or 6 row in with it and do your steep at 154 or so for the normal time (20-30 minutes). It might not fully convert, but for the most part it will have, and it won't take any longer or be more difficult.

Hope your feeling better.
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