What a gift that would be! But for 5K, just think of all the beer you can make with a nice E system and a 20 gallon conical fermenter. Now I ask you, which would you prefer?
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
Nothing Conditioning
Nothing Drinking 58. Choco Brown 60. Etcitra, Etcitra 61. Bubs' Pale Wheat Xtra 62. Ottoberfest Brew Queue
ROAR! Bacon
Saint Sebastian Tripel
Bubs' Pale Ale
Now that is just downright awesome!!! Totally out of my price range, but would be cool to have. Plus you could set it up with a faux lock-box, require (or strongly suggest) a quarter per game which you could apply to buying supplies for the next beer recipe.