My Saison has been carbing for about 5 days and I've noticed some liquid on the side of the tank but it was holding carb so I didn't worry about it. Today I came home early and saw some liquid next to the kegerator....not much but a tablespoon or two so I opened it up and saw a small bead of beer on the side of the keg. I tried some and it's carbed and the tank is still full-ish so I took off the tap house and turned up the gas and no leak at all. Put the hose back on and after a while, a small leak started.
So, I grabbed another poppet and replaced it and leak.
Kegging rule #6-always have spare parts. Turns out the tiny washer on the poppet was worn and when the ball lock was connected, it allowed some leakage.
It's all good.
You're welcome!
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
So true, I have enough spare parts to rebuild everything I have. Because you never know.
Naked Cat Brewery On Tap
Yazoo Sue Smoked Porter
Le Petite Saison
Czech Pale Lager
A Toast to Big Fuzzy Russian Imperial Stout at 10%
Belgian Blond
Flower Power IPA
4 Kilts Clueless Belgian Strong
One Wort Two Yeast with Wyeast 2206
One Wort Two Yeast with WLP940
Shipwreck Saison
Currently Conditioning:
Cherry Mead
California Moscato
Currently enjoying:
Hardly Apple Cider on tap
Hardly Cherry Lime-Aid on tap
Oktoberfestive-Ale on tap
PGA Cider (Pear, Ginger, Apple) on tap 3rd Founders Cup 2016 King Of The Mountain on tap
Bottoms Up Brown on tap GOLD 2016 Ohio Brew Week Silver 2016 Ohio State Fair Silver 2016 Son of Brewzilla, Silver 2015 Son of Brewzilla, Bronze 2015 King Of The Mountain on tap
Yep, second one in less than 6 months. I can't find the tiny rings that fit the poppets but poppets are so cheap, might as well just trash them and get new ones.
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
I have over 9,000 posts on "another forum", which means absolutely nothing. Mr. Beer January 2014 Brewer of the Month with all the pomp and circumstance that comes with it...
Certificate in Brewing and Distillation Technology
Beers I regularly brew:
Bell's Best Brown clone
Irish Hills Red - I call this "Ann Arbor Red"
Mackinac Island Red - I call this "Michigan Red"
Oatmeal Stout - I call this Not Fat, Stout - Oatmeal Stout
Bottled 5 gallons of Ann Arbor Red on 4/18/17. Bottled 5 gallons of Michigan Red on 5/8/17.
Brewed in 2017 - 22.13 gallons (19.91 in 2012, 48.06 in 2013, 61.39 in 2014, 84.26 in 2015,46.39 in 2016)
Brewed in lifetime - 282.14 gallons
Drinkable beer on hand - 13.58 cases, with 6.11 cases ready in May and early June.
Average cost per 12 pack through all beer brewed - $6.27(ingredients only)
Wise advice. I definitely need to check out spare keg parts and start collecting them. I'm slowly starting to replace some of my equipment. I picked up a new Italian spigot for my bottling bucket today. No real problem with the old one, but it's about five years old, and you just never know.
Up Next: 2Daves Irish Red Fermenting/Conditioning Ladybug Lager Drinking: FedoraDave's American Ale -- Schöenwald Schwarzbier -- Littlejohn's Ale -- King Duncan's Porter
A very timely post for me too. I brought a 2.5 gallon corny keg to a party two nights ago along with a small cO2 dispenser for pouring the beer. All went well until I realized that I had forgotten to take the gas connector with me too. I've been swapping the gas connector out between force carbonating in my refrigerator and taking it on the road when needed.
Today I'm going to the LHBS with a list of things to pickup, another gas connector is the first item on the list. Fortunately I was able to remove the lid on the keg and pour beer into a large pitcher as needed. But dispensing it 'on tap' would have been so much classier.