Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and my tripel/saison/wit juice)

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Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and my tripel/saison/wit juice)

Post by mashani »

Called it that because that's sort of what it is (more like a 1/3rd wit / Belgian single hybrid), and also because I did stupid things to try to keep my house brett at bay like put the lid on the pot for the last 5 minutes of the boil and cool the old fashioned way in a recirculating ice bath with the lid still on the pot instead of my chiller, to keep the wort away from my air as much as was possible. Because my air is evil this time of year.

I used enough of my "Juice" (see insane experiment) to get a 1.013 wort if I diluted it to 5 gallons of volume (basically 1/4th the batch I made).

That would work out to something like:

2/3# White Wheat
2/3# Flaked Oats
1/3# Six Row
1/3# Rye
1/3# Flaked Barley

To that I added:

5# MoreBeer Pilsner LME
1# 1L (Clear) Candi Syrup

Did it as a short boil since the "Juice" had already been boiled for a long time and I have super high AA hops to use up.

1.00 oz of Jaryloo (14%AA) @15 (should taste quite nice in this)
0.75 oz crushed coriander seed @5
1.00 oz bitter orange peel @5

Cooled, split between two LBCs. 1600ML starter of Wyeast "Forbidden Fruit" yeast (it's a Hoegaarden or Celis yeast of some sort), 800ML pitched into each LBC.

OG was 1.049
SRM around 4
IBUs around 17
Last edited by mashani on Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Half-wit (made with tripel/saison/wit juice)

Post by mashani »

I'm having a really hard time keeping this below 75... I have no idea what this yeast does at higher temperatures and 76 is suggested max range, so not sure I want to go there... I've used it before but below 70. At these temps it's going crazy... this yeast stinks too. It stinks in the 60s, but even more in the 70s it seems. A mix of wet socks, over ripe bananas, and devil farts. But that's not unusual, and all those aromas/flavors dissipate. That much I know...
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Re: Half-wit (made with tripel/saison/wit juice)

Post by mashani »

Krausen fell at end of day 3. It got up to 76 at peak. Been sitting at 70-72 ever since. Stopped at 1.009 5 days in. Been there ever since. Bottled at 1.009.

Everything that sounds hideous in the previous post is gone. I'm left with a beer that tastes *better out of the fermenter* then the old Witty Monk refill ever did regardless of age. It's very much like a Wit, but with a touch of banana and pear. I think it's ready to drink as soon as carbed, if I had a keg I'd be drinking it in a few days.
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Re: Half-wit (made with tripel/saison/wit juice)

Post by Kealia »

That sounds pretty tasty and perfect for a hot summer evening.

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Re: Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and tripel/saison/wit juice)

Post by mashani »

Popped trub bottle #1. Trub bottle #2 is in fridge, I will take picture tomorrow.

Tastes freaking awesome. Much better then Great Lakes Sharpshooter to my tastes. I don't know about IPAs or APAs (will wait for Gymrats beer to be done to hear about that) but I can say that Jaryloo is great as a short boil hop for a Wit or Single/Blonde. The flavors blend well with Belgian yeast. I'm sure it would be good in a wheat beer too.

But it has no head. It's not as carbed as it should be, so either I screwed up the priming or the yeast got lazy, or this bottle/cap leaked a bit. We will see with bottle #2 tomorrow. If it has no head I'll let it sit another week or two and see. Even with my crazy step mash for the "wit juice" it should have plenty of stuff in it to give it nice head.

It is almost totally clear, not even remotely cloudy like a true Wit. That's because of my step mash with the protein/beta glucan rest. But I didn't think I'd drop so much out that I'd get no head retention. I usually get nice head with just MoreBeer pils and candi syrup, so even if I did drop all of it out, it should still have some. So I think time will solve it. Otherwise I have no explanation.

Either way, it's delicious, so I don't care too much.
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Re: Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and tripel/saison/wit juice)

Post by Kealia »

mashani wrote: Either way, it's delicious, so I don't care too much.
There you go - bottom line.
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Re: Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and my tripel/saison/wit jui

Post by mashani »

Kept forgetting to put up a pic. This is the half-wit. It still has very little head retention and very low carb. I must have messed up priming somehow.

But it is more then half-gone now, and is totally delicious.
IMG_1053.JPG (126.62 KiB) Viewed 288 times
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Re: Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and my tripel/saison/wit jui

Post by Kealia »

So, you're enjoying that Jarrylo? I really need to find another beer that is brewed with it so I can try them out again. Clearly it works with the coriander and orange.
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Re: Half-wit (made with Jaryloo and my tripel/saison/wit jui

Post by mashani »

It's really good in this. But I only used 1oz in 5 gallon batch, so the hops are not the prime driving force here. But what's there blends very well with the orange and coriander. The other beer I used it in is hiding in a box for a few more weeks until I try it again (the tripel saison).

You could ask Gymrat if he tried the batch he threw 4oz in and see what he thinks of that.

But I'd make this again. It's very tasty.
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