Gesundheit (probably-not-gonna-be-purple Germanish beer)

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Gesundheit (probably-not-gonna-be-purple Germanish beer)

Post by mashani »

Only advanced because I threw in the other half of the batch of purple rice mash. So there is a lot of adjunct in this beer. Soooo not Reinheitsgebot... Sooo evil.

3# MoreBeer Pils
The rest of my leftover of purple rice and flaked corn juice. I added this late hoping it would keep some purple. It still may not turn out purple. It looked to lose it fast. Had purple foam, and then it was gone...
0.666oz Santium (6.7%) @45 (because the beer is evil lol... or maybe just because it gave me the IBUs I wanted)
1.000oz Saaz (3.4%) @15
0.333oz Santium @0

Half of a starter of WLP029 (Kolsch) yeast I had going. Will save the other half for my annual +3 Kolsch of Darkness that will come up sooner or later.

That's about it.

EDITS: Updated with stats and info...

OG 1.053
IBUs should be around 40.

Purple - not. More like Auburn. Which is still interesting. It did retain some of the color with the short boil. It just didn't have enough color. This is darker actually then the "purple cream ale" turned out even though the base extract was lighter. The longer boil in that beer literally obliterated the color. The late addition here preserved some of it.

But I think I need twice as much purple rice and no corn I think to make it more purple. Next time I try to make purple juice that's the plan.
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Re: Gesundheit (probably-not-gonna-be-purple Germanish beer)

Post by mashani »

Bottled this and it tasted great even if it's not purple.
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Re: Gesundheit (probably-not-gonna-be-purple Germanish beer)

Post by mashani »

This is actually quite good. It tastes like a Dusseldorf Alt with a Sticke Alt hop finish. I like it. It even looks the part, even though the ingredients aren't right.

It is a nice rich color, even though it's not purple. Much more color then the purple cream ale which is just blonde. It's totally clear, but you can't see it in my pic due to bad phone camera/lighting/and condensation on the glass. It's dry, but has a nuttiness from the purple rice that makes it seem more malty then it is. A little bit of Munich would have made this amazingly good for a frankenbier. If I do something dumb like this again, I'll toss in some Munich.

And the only difference in grain bill really was that I boiled the purple rice mash for a much shorter amount of time. So the loss of color from the purple rice was purely from boiling. Good to know. So now I know if I use twice as much purple rice and no corn... and I don't boil it for very long... then maybe I will get something more purple.
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