FYI: The WK is Windisch-Kolbach units. Where American malts are typically listed as Lintner units.BigPapaG wrote: The Best Malz spec sheet lists the Diastatic Power as WK, which I can only assume means weak... So probably in the realm of a medium Munich.
To convert:
°Lintner = (°WK + 16) / 3.5
°WK = (3.5 x °Lintner ) - 16
That said, this malt, and their Munich just don't list anything as the minimum value. Where say if you pick their Pilsner or Vienna or pale malts, it will say 250 as the minimum. 250 is like 76 in 'Merican units. As opposed to some of the Briess stuff that is 120 or so.
Which means their malts are NOT highly modified. Which means they are all *good German malts*. Because highly modified malts are for Woosie Americans LOL.
But because they don't list it, I think I would mash for a full 60 minutes for sure, or 90 even if your mashing at low temps. Like I'd do with 100% Munich SMaSH. Because it might just barely be able to self convert. Unless I had iodine test handy.
So I'm washing this down with a Green Flash Segal Ranch Session IPA. And it seems really dry and bitter compared to the Stone Red-X. I wish there was some Red-X in it LOL.