5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Recipes based on BrewDemon Extracts and refills.

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5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Post by bpgreen »

I haven't done a batch with prehopped extracts in years, but I've been pressed for time and there was that recent sale at brewdemon for kits past their best by date.

I use a lot of LME from my LHBS. They turn it over really fast, and only carry Pilsen (if you want something else, change it yourself).

They turn over a barrel of LME in a couple of days, so at worst, I get LME that's a week or so old. I buy in bulk and freeze what I'm not using immediately.

I'm amazed at the difference. I'm aware of the maillard reaction, but I didn't realize it would be this pronounced.

I did a 5 gallon batch with 2 Evil Pilsner cans. The LME was MUCH thicker than I expected. And much darker, as well. I'm sure it will make beer, but it won't be what I expected.
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Re: 5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Post by mashani »

Yeah - the difference can be quite pronounced as you see. It is even more pronounced with pilsner extract, so your doing the right thing with that stuff you get. It's why I only buy pils extract from MoreBeer because no LHBS here has fresh extract, it's all in cans of indeterminate age. If I know stuff is older, I will use less (or increase volume) and add sugar to increase fermentability, dry it out, and lighten the color. That helps, but doesn't get rid of all of the crystal malt like flavors that develop with age. Given any choice, I only use the freshest stuff. I'm using it to save time when I don't have time to mash, or to make 5 gallons when I can only mash enough for 3 or less - but I still want to make the best beer I can with the results I am expecting.
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Re: 5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Post by LouieMacGoo »

Also keep in mind that those large cans of HME are supposed to make 6 gal when using 2 cans, so that might also be part of it if you only made 5 gal from them.

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Re: 5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Post by bpgreen »

I know I only made 5 gallons instead of six, but the lme was much darker while it was still in the can.
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Re: 5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Post by Kealia »

I'll be curious to see how yours turns out. I bought some the last time they did the sale and was pretty disappointed in the results. I'd have to dig up the thread but if I recall right it had an odd celery taste to it.
It was too bad because that was one of the original MrB recipes that I liked.

I like that when I want LME I can swing by MoreBeer and pick it up.

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Re: 5 gallon one evil pilsner observatiions

Post by bpgreen »

Another thing that was odd is that Beersmith estimated an og of 1.054, but I got 1.062. Beersmith is usually spot on with extracts.

But I've always used fresh extract. Maybe that changes things.
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