Lagunitas Waldo

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Lagunitas Waldo

Post by Beer-lord »

In 1971, the Waldos met one afteroon at 4:20 in the front courtyard of their school near the statue of Louis Pasteur. They set out in a '66 Impala armed with a "treasure map" on a journey to find a secret garden near Point Reyes. They met there at the same time every day and continued their quest. They never found the secret garden....But they keep lookin'. The dankest and hoppiest beer ever brewed at Lagunitas was made with help of the Waldos for all treasure hunters.
Hmmm, when I see 4/20, I think of something else! :oops: :hammer:

My friend grabbed a sixer of this last night and since we already had my IPA at 7.3%, Ghost at 8% as well as other high alcohol beers, 4 of us split 2 of these because they are 11.5%. Whew, you'd never know it although when it warmed up, there was the slightest hint of the ABV. The nose was tropical and dank. Some pineapple, pine and mango. The taste was typical Lagunitas. Malty, ending with an ever so slight sweetness but I didn't find this overly bitter or hoppy but look who's saying this!
And, when many companies are selling 4 packs for $11-$12, this six pack was near $11 so for a high octane brew, that's quite a deal.
If you are a Lag fine and like big beers, you should try this as it's a one timer from what I hear.
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