2.5 gallons.
So, this is using 1/2 of the "session IPA juice" I mentioned I brewed in the what you brewing thread. So that would be equivalent of a PM of this at 152:
1.25# Maris Otter
0.50# Vienna
4oz 30L Crystal
2oz Carapils
1oz Honey Malt
To that added 1.5# of MoreBeer Extra Light LME (it doesn't finish as dry as their other light extracts)
1oz Chinook (13.2AA) @15
1oz Amarillo (7.4AA) @15
1oz Amarillo @flameout
30 minute lid on hopstand with everything still in it.
S-05 yeast
OG 1.046
IBUs stupidly high for that OG (80+)
Hopefully all that malty stuff keeps is sane
Chinook-a-Rillo (session IPA like thing)
Moderators: BlackDuck, Beer-lord, LouieMacGoo, philm00x, gwcr
Re: Chinook-a-Rillo (session IPA like thing)
Code: Select all
It tasted like PineJuice with a side of toast
I shall enjoy it I think.
Re: Chinook-a-Rillo (session IPA like thing)
I'm liking this. Somehow, it actually tastes a lot like the Equinox beer I made, except a bit mellower and without the green pepper.