This is so true. I think even here we tend to respond with our opinions and sometimes they come across as fact. It's hard to tell. Aside from starting every post with "in my opinion...." that's a tough nut to crack. We should all be cognizant about that, especially when dealing with newer brewers (not saying you are, mind you).RayF wrote:I appreciate all of your statements. There is so much out there that it is hard to decipher opinion from facts. Most of what you have all said I get. My problem is, that it's hard to determine fact from opinion when you are reading things on forums.
Adding to the conversation topic: I believe that you don't need to bottle condition for 6 weeks to have a great beer*
* This depends on a lot of things, mind you. Fresh ingredients, proper pitch rate and temp control, style of beer, etc. I've made some DME, late addition pale ales (think DME + 15-minute additions of Citra) and they were great 1 week in the bottle. I'm not sure they got better with time, but they were still good with time, too.
Again, for newer brewers using canned extract I would still recommend 4-6 weeks, though.