Firestone Luponic Distortion

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

Hmmm, I never updated this thread with my thoughts about #006 after that first one - but it turned out to be really good.

I just got a text from my wife while at work and there may be a sixer of #007 waiting for me when I get home tonight....
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

Bond, James Bond......

Australian hops....very similar to Nelson Sauvin. White grape-y, melon-y and crisp.

I drank this pretty quick so I'll focus more on the next one in terms of picking out descriptors.

For now: It's yummy.Image

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Inkleg »

Nice looking coffee beans. ;) :lol:
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

Hell to the yes they are!

I would have waited a few minutes to take the picture to let the glass shed the condensation but I really wanted to drink this bad boy.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

I drank another of these the other day and do really like it. It do get a Nelson vibe from this batch and find it VERY easy to drink. They have all been good so I would have a hard time saying how much I like this in comparison to previous batches, so all I can say is that I would buy another 6'er of this (if I didn't already have so much beer on hand).

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

#008 was just released!
True to form, Revolution No. 008 is a globetrotting iteration of Luponic Distortion, featuring eight hop varieties from four growing regions—Pacific Northwest, Germany, Australia and New Zealand. The lead hops in Revolution No. 008 include a punchy, citrusy variety from Washington state’s Moxee Valley; a hop from Hallertau that delivers honeydew and cantaloupe aromas; and a racy variety from New Zealand.
I know what I am searching for this weekend. :jumpy:
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by mashani »

I still haven't had ANY of these. I guess I need to go find one.

But now, a question. When revolution #9 comes out, can it be drunk backwards? (how old am I? will anyone get this LOL?)
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by bpgreen »

mashani wrote:When revolution #9 comes out, can it be drunk backwards? (how old am I? will anyone get this LOL?)
I get it. Unfortunately, that proves that you're old.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

I'll admit I had to Google that to see the reference. I don't think you're that much older than me, though.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

Drinking the latest version (#009) on another warm Winter evening.

74 today....this is crazy......

On to the beer:
Crystal clear as always and it smells like it was just dry hopped in the last few days. Really potent. It's familiar....almost like Cascade but with a bit of new age Nelson or Mosaic thrown in. Firestone says the following:
The lead hops in Revolution No. 009 include two varieties from the Pacific Northwest—one that provides exotic tropical fruit and coconut notes, and another that offers a balance of earthy pine and citrus qualities. The German hops round out the blend with a dimension of bright fruitiness.
Yeah, that describes it well. It's. Just. Really. Good.

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

#10 is in my belly! Or it was last night anyway.

They changed up the labeling this time around and since I got bottles I can't do the floating can thingy :D

Here is what FW says about this beer:
The lead hops in No. 10 include cultivars from the Pacific Northwest, Germany and Australia, providing distinct qualities of mango creamsicle, peach ring and ruby grapefruit.
I definitely get the grapefruit, but I'm not good enough to pick out peach ring (candy) by any means. My wife smells the grapefruit. My daughter smells the peach. I taste a familiar bittering (light) followed by a fruit-forward taste of grapefruit.

And yeah, it's good. Better than other releases? I'm not sure yet, but I'm enjoying it as much as others - at least so far.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Beer-lord »

FW simply makes great beer. I've had a number of different beers from them and have never been disappointed. They seem to be on a roll.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

FW just posted that #11 is hitting stores soon.
No. 11 showcases an emergent new hop from the Pacific Northwest that is loaded with this unique pineapple character. We complemented this with an Australian hop that contributes a distinct guava quality, as well as a German hop that rounds it all out with a candied lemon character
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

I guess I never updated for #11 or #12.

#13 is on its way and apparently uses a new hop that FW funded a test crop of. More here on that.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

#13 has been successfully imbibed. *burp*

Pouring into the glass released a massive dose of pina colada aroma into the air. I love that they are able to get massive aromas AND a crystal clear beer. It's just visually appealing to me.

The taste is again familiar but unique. I definitely get some bitterness from this batch, somewhat like orange peel but in a good way. I got a little orange in the taste, too. I wasn't thinking too much about the exact flavors when I had the bottle on Saturday, so I'll come back when I pour another and update this while I am drinking it.

I can say it is definitely better than #12, which fell short in my opinion.
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