"Hail-Fellow Well-Met is a collaboration between Yazoo and Jackie Os. A dark strong base ale brewed with Ohio harvested spicebush berries then fermented with a blend of each brewery's house mixed sour cultures. Aged in Chattanooga whiskey barrels and conditioned on black currants and blackberries. A beer born from friendship, admiration and collaboration."
Jammy goodness... me likey...
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Swenocha is a vast bastard of brewing knowledge - Wings_Fan_In_KC
nada... zip...
nada... zip... maybe an N/A beer here and there...
I read this site and topic about every morning. So normally while I'm reading this, a large cup of coffee is what I'm drinking, but last night I had a 1L bottle of my Mangrove Jacks London Bitter (1 Liter bottle works out to about 3 glasses). It was pretty good, tasted like beer as my wife would say. Had a white head and was pale in color.
Duane's World (again) from Alvarado Street Brewing.
Last night, not this morning
Tonight I'll be having their Riot Punch:
New age double IPA that's heavily impacted by the bright peach & stonefruit notes imparted by an East Coast yeast strain. Simple dry hop consisting purely of Citra, resulting in a citrusy/tropical mélange of hop aroma and flavor; passion fruit, tangerine, pineapple, white wine-esque grape character. Alcohol is subdued, mouthfeel is full and soft, light bitterness.
ABV 8.5%% | 45 IBU
100% Extract Belgian SMaSH IPA I made with Citra and fresh MoreBeer Extralight LME. Try to make it look like this with canned extract...
Unfortunately this bottle lost it's seal while chilling, so it's a bit flat but it's still tasty. Only thing I don't like is the Fermentis Abbaye (BE-256 these days) instead of the Danstar Abbaye. I'm certain it's not the same yeast, this is more phenolic and every time I've used it it's more phenolic. I like the Danstar Abbaye better, less phenols and more fruit. Not that it's bad but I'd like it better with a bit less peppery stuff.
My experienced testing over decades has proven me right. So right that I've received a trademark and a grant to produce custom bottle cap tape for 39 states. I plan on starting a gofundme account soon.
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black