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Re: Mr Beer community sucks

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:28 am
by Tabasco
JimH wrote:Agreed, I am willing to give them some time to sort it out, but not happy so far. So, welcome to the New "Better" Borg!
You never say never, but I doubt I'll go back. I mean, I've seen so many great "old friends" in here already, and this site runs like a well oiled machine, and so easy to navigate. It am what it am!

Plus, ya gotta love the appearance of this forum. Unboring and ungaudy. Nice.

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:44 am
by joechianti
I'm getting really well settled in here, and it's like this is the REAL Borg now and the old one is not anymore. I have to admit, just like when I move to a new house, I drive past the old house just out of curiosity. I go back to check out the old forum each day, and it's a ghost town. Like a dozen posts per day. But if I see a question that I think I can honestly help with, I do reply. Not sure how long that will continue, though. This is my new home. With my real family. It's all about the people in the house, and the best are here. :party:

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:01 am
by Tabasco
docpd wrote:I will try to go to the New Brewers page to try to help the newbees there. With all the experts over here I think they will miss out on all the help we had starting out.
Screw 'em!

Just kidding, heh heh. That is a nice thing you said.

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:05 am
by Tabasco
Hey everybody! Look at me! Two days and already 31 posts! I'm a post whore! :lol:

Don't worry, I'll post stuff about BEER in the future. But it's fun being an ass sometimes. I have learned from my motorcycle board, however, that politics and religion only really work in politics and religion boards .... and .... more importantly .... don't argue or insult .... it's never worth it.

That was always my favorite feature of MrB community. The folks kept it NICE and FRIENDLY. People were almost always respectful.
It just made it a real pleasing place to hang out. FUN. But, why not ... we love making beer, right?

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:33 am
by Brewbirds
From what I have been reading I'm getting the feeling that the only way to help the noobies over there is to bring them over here.

I quit logging in over there when RickBeer said they did something wrong and were at risk for hacking. I'm thinking about asking them to delete all my info but they probably don't know how. :laugh

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:37 am
by gwcr
Brewbirds wrote:I'm thinking about asking them to delete all my info but they probably don't know how. :laugh
Sure they do. Just ask them to do another "upgrade"...


Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:39 am
by RickBeer
Unless I said something I'm not remembering, I think I was talking about posting your private data there (or anywhere) where people who "join" can find it - age, date of birth, link to house on Google Maps, etc. I was concerned that people were providing their complete data of birth, their true name, their city and state - with that info I can do a lot. As I said then, if I call my doctor's office with a question, they say "what's your DOB"? Then they say "last name"? Then they say, "how can I help you"? So with those two pieces of info I can get a lot of private info about things, like when Joe's last exam was at the vet...

Anyone can be hacked - Louie just discovered yesterday that your email address was shown if someone on the forum tried to email you (so he turned that off - I have the email option turned off). My point is you need to be careful no matter what you do on any site, and given no personal info that you don't want exposed.

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:49 am
by Brewbirds
Oh I thought it was you but maybe not. I know quite a few of you guys who understand the technical issues there were telling them that their STACKING something was showing when and that was a bad bad thing. I can't believe how all you guys were trying to help them and they didn't say a peep.

My brother said this morning that a business college would love to use this whole debacle for teaching a class.

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:17 pm
by RickBeer
My knowledge of something being stacked would be totally different than what you refer to...

I think in general, whether it's the forum or other things that Mr. Beer is really run without much depth on the bench. There are a lot of things they don't do well from a Marketing standpoint (my expertise) and they've many mistakes along the way transitioning to new owners, new product, etc.

Any idiot (meaning me) knows that if you're going to put up a new forum you ask people to go play with it and try to break it, you then fix it, THEN you bring it live. None of us were asked to play.

Anyway, we're gone now.

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:11 pm
by joechianti
RickBeer wrote:My knowledge of something being stacked would be totally different than what you refer to...
My knowledge of SOMEONE being stacked may be even more different than of what you refer to. :jumpy: :jumpy:

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:06 pm
by Yankeedag
ok, now I'm cornfuseded...we talking horizontal or don't go there. :opps:

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:34 am
by Tabasco
I stopped by MrB borg this morning a few times to give it a fair shot. I found that you CAN go right to the last page of a multi page thread. But the other issues are all real ... it really is a pretty poor job over there.

Kind of depressing. I'm not complaining .... they don't owe me a borg ... but I have not been around there much any more lately due to personal stuff, so "starting up again" ... I'll most likely stay here. I will try to behave ... :lol:

I saw a few old friends in there, a few who've already come here ... but it's pretty dead in there ... the writing is on the wall.

Bottom line ... posting is for fun. It's hard to deny this place will be more fun going forward.

And right off the bat it has the most important aspect: Extracts, AG's, beginner, expert, whatever ... Brewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:43 am
by Brewbirds
If you log in over there again you should let those guys know that all their rowdy friend are over here now. :party:

Re: Mr Beer community needs work

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:01 pm
by Tabasco
Brewbirds wrote:If you log in over there again you should let those guys know that all their rowdy friend are over here now. :party:
Yah, I mentioned it ... casually .....