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Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:50 am
by mtsoxfan
So I called Best Buy about the TV, after telling my story, and asking if they could do anything for me, the rep said, "I want to put you on speakerphone and could you repeat what you just told me"? I think she may have been laughing too.... mission accomplished...

Damn it, I don't care if it's 12 o'clock here or anywhere else, I'm grabbing a beer...

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:55 am
by RickBeer
That's why you have to be careful using a card with benefits. Many cards have at least 90 days coverage for certain things, others add a year to the warranty if it's 3 years or less, Amex adds a year if it's 5 years or left. But, if it's not all on the card... Your only saving grace MIGHT be the usage of the card's reward program to pay the rest. Good luck!

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:00 pm
by jimjohson
had three 2 boys and 1 girl. bear in mind 3 things. 1) boys are NOT easier than girls. however they're easier for a male to understand. 2) the mother curse works! have your swmbo put it on the daughter. most likely your Mom put it on you. ;) 3) grandkids are your reward for not killing your teenagers.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:21 pm
by FrozenInTime
Sorry bout the boob tube, dat gotta suck.

Good luck on the dau, like everyone said, they all go through it. Ours was 14 when the holy hell hit. Glad I am married to a social worker, she got her calmed down and acting like a kid again in a couple months. Those 2 months or so were hell though. Biggest problem with ours was caused me thunks because I was in the military and gone more than not for months at a time. She started acting up again, not so bad, but still a pain in the arse after she graduated. Every thing we did was wrong, the house was not up to *her* standards (we sucked because she had friends with wealthy parents). College started and she could not move into the dorms fast enough according to her. She never moved back. BUT, she sure spent a lot of time *visiting us*... LOL. When she graduated as an RN, she was a little more settled down, but she felt she could not leave the state fast enough. Before the dust settled down from the ceremony, she was gone. Fast forward a few years, she's in her 30's, calls atleast every other night, sends texts to us many times daily, atleast once a month begs us to move out to Washington state so we can be close to her. Go figure... kids. Oh, she left the state as fast as she could because she hates North Dakota, not us. She really hates the cold here so we don't blame her. She hated it the whole time she lived here, don't think she ever understood that when your in the military, you go were THEY want u, not were u want....LOL When I got out, we stayed because of the University here so our kids and my wife could attend it. We just never left... some day.... we just got tired of all the moving and stayed put.

Anywayz, she will grow up, you and wife need to have a lot of patience. Having teenagers is like having 3 year olds again. They are striking out, trying to define their own space and self identity, leaving the family identity. Boys are sooooooooooooooo much easier, even if they are a handful!!!!

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:25 pm
by FrozenInTime
jimjohson wrote: 1) boys are NOT easier than girls. however they're easier for a male to understand.
Yea, I think your probably right about that... LOL

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:51 pm
by Inkleg
mtsoxfan wrote: We connect our cars and home for discounts and the daughter totaled a car just about a year ago, at age 16... We are paying through the wazoo right now...
After totaling TWO vehicles, State Farm said he goes or they drop us. That was quite a few years ago and through defensive driving and great driving record they have allowed him back. We made him pay for his own insurance, so he has learned the hard way.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:57 pm
by Inkleg
mtsoxfan wrote:Jeff, I do remember my teenage years, I was "adventurous". My parents to this day don't know 1/2 of what I used to do. but don't believe I had the disrespect to my parents what I see happening now.
Yea, but back in our day your parents could smack you when you needed it and by god we were better for it.

What I hated was when neighbors caught you doing something wrong, the would whoop you and by the time you got home they would have called and your parents and they would whoop you again.
So you learned not to get caught. ;)

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:23 pm
by Beer-lord
If I ever got in trouble I just said it wasn't me, IT WAS MY TWIN!

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:48 pm
by mtsoxfan
You mean there's another you in the world? :lol:

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:58 pm
by Beer-lord
Yep, the evil twin is real. He's known as Redbeerd on the forum.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:58 am
by BlackDuck
Great read daughter is only 4. Oh, the things I have to look forward to!!!!

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:31 am
by Yankeedag
My Grand-Kidlett is turning 9 this year. I can see her being very vindictive in her later years. Once she gets an idea that she's entitled to something, it's hard to have her understand that she isn't. Also, she thinks that others are responsible to "HELP" her if it's something she doesn't like or want to do.
She had homework that she blew off, and she got tagged for it. She had to do it this weekend. I never knew a person that could (try to) shift responsibility for doing something with unrelated items. What surprises me is that it must have worked for her at some time. As it turns out, I am NOT her favorite "answer" adult. poop.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:45 am
by DaYooper
One of the problems is they know you dont have any real control being a step parent, at least early on. The oldest just turned 18 when I started going out with my future wife. I took him to the "Bro Cave" and explained to him that if he continued to disrespect his mom like he was in front of me we were going to have REAL problems. Since then 1) he has grown up quite a bit bigger than me, and 2) he has grown up quite a bit mentally. The youngest was 15 at the time so was never able to have that "grow up or since we are both adults I can and will smack you with no witnesses around" moment so it took him a bit longer to get a clue. Also, now he is away 2.5 hours at college and I think distance helps the heart grow a bit fonder especially when we can ignore the email and phone nags when he wants $25 for whatever if not asked nice.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:54 am
by RedBEERd
mtsoxfan wrote:You mean there's another you in the world? :lol:
Yep, but I'm the older, smarter, wiser, better looking one. But he's got me beat on beer by a mile!

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:37 pm
by Yankeedag
RedBEERd wrote:
mtsoxfan wrote:You mean there's another you in the world? :lol:
Yep, but I'm the older, smarter, wiser, better looking one. But he's got me beat on beer by a mile!
Didn't he get a split personality for his 5th birthday? :huh: