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Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:51 pm
by Kealia
But, of course.

I'll post percentages and AAUs so anybody that wants to try the recipe can scale it accordingly.

Kolsch Malt (MoreBeer) - 81%
Wheat Malt - 19%
Saaz - 1.45 AAU @ 60 (11.8 IBU)
Hallertauer - 1.17 AAU @ 60 (9.5 IBU)


Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:53 pm
by BlackDuck
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank You!!!

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:22 am
by Kealia
There will be one coming your way, sir.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:50 am
by mashani
That pic makes me happy. I'm going to try the Kolsch malt next time I order from MoreBeer.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:57 am
by Kealia
There will be one headed your way, too.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:06 pm
by Kealia
And the label:
More Antler.jpg
More Antler.jpg (112.75 KiB) Viewed 1013 times

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:34 pm
by BlackDuck
Thats a great label. I love the picture. He's got that "duh" look on his face. Kind of like a hillbilly chewin' on a piece of hay.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:30 pm
by Kealia
I tried a bottle last night to see how it was coming along and I was happy with the results.


It's not as hazy as the picture makes it look, but it's not crystal clear either like my last one. To be fair, I used gelatin last time, but I also use a bit more wheat this time around. I haven't lagered these very long post-bottling so that could be it, too. Even if it doesn't clear up I'm happy with the results. It's been a year since my last Kolsch but I do believe that this malt adds a bit of character to it whereas the pilsner was very clean.

The color is a bit darker than normal, as the malt indicated it would be. I think I will stick as many in the fridge to start lagering as I can make room for because I think the extended lagering will only improve them.

Mashani - send me your address again please. I promised you one of these and lost your address when you sent it a while back :redface:

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:17 pm
by Beer-lord
Dude, you get another gold, no, platinum star!
I cut my lawn tonite and figured since I brewed 2 semi light(er) beers, I deserve some. So I had half a glass of my RCE beer and then a half of my Faux RyePL and that wasn't enough so I grabbed a bottle of More Antler and as soon as I popped the top, I could smell the kolsh-ness.
You continue to get me out of my IPA box and I thank you for that. I am really enjoying beers that aren't IPAish and there is hope for me after all. This one has awesome lacing, a nice aroma that is not an IPA bomb and a clean, fine flavor that stays from beginning to end. Clear as can be and quite tasty. More than perfect for lawn cutting night even though it's not at all hot.
I thought this yeast was similar to 1007 I've used at lower temps but it doesn't taste anything like it. Well, after further review, 1007 is a Germana ale yeast but not a kolsch though it's similar in temperature range.

A cool label to boot! Thanks for sharing this one.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:02 pm
by swenocha
Looks like a perfect kolsch color to me. Nicely done. All Seasons here carries the kolsch malt, so I may have to give this a go...

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:16 pm
by Kealia
Glad you enjoyed it Paul.

Swen, this is a bit darker than a standard Kolsch - but props to mashani for 'introducing' me to this malt by posting here that it was available at MoreBeer.

I've had a few in the fridge for a few weeks now, so it's time to crack one of those (and get the rest of the bottles in there!).

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:19 am
by mashani
Beer-lord wrote: I thought this yeast was similar to 1007 I've used at lower temps but it doesn't taste anything like it. Well, after further review, 1007 is a Germana ale yeast but not a kolsch though it's similar in temperature range.
I've always said there isn't a substitute for real Kolsch yeast. 1007 makes a mighty fine beer and you can use it to make a Kolsch in a pinch, it's perhaps the best alternative, and what I'd use if I can't get Kolsch yeast - but yeah, it won't be the same. The Kolsch yeast produces a good bit of sulfur during fermentation, and although it goes away as a sulfur taste/aroma you can perceive it as a "crispness" left behind that you don't really get with other yeast. Kolsch yeast is what makes the beer what it is, more then anything. The bier de garde I made with Kolsch yeast even with all the piled on malt, still had that "crispness" where even the one I made with lager yeast did not.

I've got washed Kolsch yeast here looking for the right temps to use it. Soon...
Kealia wrote: Swen, this is a bit darker than a standard Kolsch - but props to mashani for 'introducing' me to this malt by posting here that it was available at MoreBeer.
I've had a few in the fridge for a few weeks now, so it's time to crack one of those (and get the rest of the bottles in there!).
I think I'm going to crack the bottle you sent me tomorrow or else this weekend. Weather will be nice, so a long bike ride and sipping on this after sounds like a plan whenever I can fit that in.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:34 pm
by mashani
I'm sipping on mine and it's a fine beer. I would not call it too dark, even if it is just a bit darker then a pils/wheat kolsch would be. It has a bit of a biscuit flavor/aroma thing going on that I don't get from all pils or pils/wheat Kolsch. I like it. Just the thing after a long bike ride.

What temp did you mash this at?

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:50 pm
by Kealia
Glad you like it. I'm going to try my second one tonight after volleyball practice while sitting on the deck - barring anything unforeseen.

Checking my notes I mashed at 151/152 for 60 minutes.

Re: Kolsch Malt Kolsch

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:01 pm
by Kealia
Warm night, sausages on the BBQ, clear skies and a Kolsch:


This beer might have the whitest head that I've seen on one of my homebrews. This is the egg-shell white that people describe (although it may not show that well in the pic):

It was a great evening to be outside:

Ok, truth be told I poured this one down the drain. A friend of my wife's came over and I poured us the two bottles that I have previously chilled. Hers was fine but mine had an 'off' smell to it. I couldn't really nail it down but it wasn't until I smelled hers and tasted hers that I confirmed that something was amiss. Alas, those were the only two bottles I had previously chilled so I moved on and had a Lager Miser.