Re: General Questions
Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:06 pm
Brewer's Choice(TM)Beerlabelman wrote:So Kealia can I leave a keg at room temp for say 2 weeks (a little conditioning) then chill, then force carb? Or, do you force carb first then let it sit?
You can leave at room temp without carbing, then chill and carb (make sure to purge CO2 as described above).
You can leave at room temp and carb at same time
- Either with priming sugar or CO2
You can chill without carbing
You can chill and carb at same time
If you are normally conditioning your bottles for a while or the beer is big, you may want to condition it. But also realize that part of bottle conditioning, IMO, is to allow for carbing (mini fermentation) and the subsequent clean up from that. If you are going to use CO2 to carb then you bypass that mini fermentation and clean up process so you *may* choose to drink sooner. I've been going to drinking phase quicker this past year because of my ability to control temps closely and pitching the right amount of yeast.
I'm of the mindset that if you don't create off flavors up front, you need less (or no) time to clean them up post-fermentation. Of course the standard rules apply for adjuncts, higher ABV brews, etc.
Not sure if I'm helping now or just providing too many options.