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Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:19 pm
by Inkleg
Nice hydro sample Chris.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:36 pm
by Beer-lord
Yep, that's where mine and the twin were close too.
We're doing 2 hop drops...7 and 3 days.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:21 pm
by BlackDuck
Just finished bottling. Filled 50 full bottles and had a little left to drink while I cleaned up. This transferred and bottled really clear. Hopefully I won't get much chill haze from all the dry hops. I mentioned this earlier, not sure if this will come out highly hoppy like an IPA should, but it think this is going to turn out really good. But for a low ABV beer, it might come out just right. Only time will tell.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:26 pm
by Beer-lord
We bottled the twins yesterday and it was very close to mine (remember we brewed 1 large Session and split...I used 001 and he used 05). His tasted a bit like Stone Go To. Both definitely had the same mini-body feel that those session beers have. His is just under 5% and mine a tiny bit over so we overshot a bit but that's perfectly fine.
I think when I've been doing 90+ IBU's, going down to 70 has made me notice. But, I'm thinking that since it's almost a 'light' beer, the hops will come thru.
Hey, not bad for the first time.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:09 pm
by BlackDuck
Here's the pour. I'm just about the 3 week mark in the bottle. I brought 4 bottles on vacation with me to test. And now I wish I brought more. This is a pretty darn good beer. The aroma and hop flavor are really good. The bitterness is light, but I think it's just right for a session beer. I think the recipe is pretty solid. I'm not sure that I'm going to change anything. If I do change anything, it might be upping the bitterness addition by a .25 ounce, which will bring it to a total of .5 ounce at 60 minutes.
It will be nice to enjoy a few of these in a sitting during the summer cookouts!!!
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Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:26 pm
by Beer-lord
Nice, really nice.
I'm not as happy with mine though it is getting better. I just can't seem to get into beers that aren't heavier. I am trying.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:01 pm
by Beer-lord
I had the chance to enjoy one of these today while brewing and there was no way I could tell it was a session way at all. And the color made me swear there was Munich in it but there wasn't. Great aroma, great carb, awesomely balanced bitterness and just a great tasting beer. I could drink this all day long. Hard to believe it's under 5% ABV.
I wouldn't change a thing at all and brew this just like it is. This is a KEEPER RECIPE!
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:19 pm
by BlackDuck
Thanks Paul...glad you enjoyed it. The color came from Vienna and a little Crystal 20. I think I made a couple slight adjustments to the hop additions from my original post. I'll go back and doulbe check. I had originally thought about making a few slight adjustments for the next time I brew this, but after drinking some, I don't think I will change anything. And your opinion on that seals the deal that I won't change it also.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:57 pm
by Kealia
Ok, I have to know: Did you lose a ton of wort to the break/hop sludge when transferring? Or is this inline with your typical hop additions where you already have that dialed in?
Either way, glad it worked out for you. I don't think I'm going to try and make one myself. Between buying Easy Jack locally and brewing the Levitation clone (which I call Arrogant Amber as my homage to Stone) I think I'm covered on hoppy/flavorful session ales.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:11 pm
by BlackDuck
Yup....I did lose quite a bit of wort, but I do have some of that loss built in to the software. I have BeerSmith set for a total loss of 1 gallon. That's for both the loss at the bottom of the kettle when transferring to the fermentor and the loss at the bottom of the fermentor when transferring to the bottling bucket. It seems to be a good range for me. Sometimes I lose less and sometimes I lose more, just depends on the recipe and the amount of hops.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:17 pm
by Kealia
I only ask because I did the 'all-late addition' Marris Otter brew yesterday and I don't normally use that much hops so I was surprised (again) at the amount of hop sludge that was left over. I'm pretty dialed into my normal beers but that threw me a curveball - then I saw how much YOU used!
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:27 pm
by BlackDuck
You think this has a lot? Go look at the Frontal Hopotomy recipe.
Re: Repeat Offender IPA
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:15 pm
by Beer-lord
My average IPA has 8-10 oz of hops total. Many have closer to 1 lb. But, as we all know, it's when you use them as well as the malt bill that can make a huge difference.