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Re: Mosaic IPA

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:22 pm
by Beer-lord
Yes. And on that note, last night I tasted all 3 on tap with the new lines and even though the Mosaic isn't carbed, all 3 tasted good though the mosaic still had a flavor that I just can't quite describe. It's definitely the hops nut not in the easy I've read it described by others.
But, the session was awesome and I know the line change was worth it.

Re: Mosaic IPA

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:01 pm
by Kealia
Yeah, like I mentioned in the other thread I would definitely use it for aroma but I got a strange grassy/something flavor from either the bittering or flavor additions with Mosiac. I could sniff that stuff all day long, though.

Re: Mosaic IPA

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:21 pm
by Beer-lord
I only have a small amount left and I'm going to brew something in the future with it, Simcoe and Amarillo and follow what I've read others like about that mixture.
I'm 75% sure its the bittering part of this hop I'm getting that I can't relate to. It is drinkable and I shall go down with the beer.

Proof-patience a-hole

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:36 pm
by Beer-lord
My kegged version has only been in the keezer for a few days but I wanted to taste it to see if it was going in the right direction. So, I grabbed a bit tonite. I can rest peacefully since, while not awesome, it's pretty much ok. I think in 2 weeks, I'll be enjoying this though I don't think I'll change my mind that Mosaic is best with other hops, namely Simcoe and Amarillo. I'm not getting some of the flavors that some get from Mosaic but this is proof that even an experienced brewer sometimes just has a bad case of ACDC, er, I mean ADHD.
Morale of the story.......I'm thinking my Coconut IPA will fare as well.
Carry on homebrewers.

Re: Mosaic IPA

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:15 pm
by teutonic terror
I have something to this effect in the bottle.

Just starting to get good carbonation.
Tasted one yesterday and I'm getting alot of citrus and some, coconut!
I didn't know my palate could discern the different flavors but that's whats coming thru
in the light carbonation! Can't wait til it's fully carbed. think it's gonna be a good one!

Saved by the hop

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:34 pm
by Beer-lord
This Mosaic isn't what I thought it would be but I ended up hopping in the keg to help with the flavor and aroma (damn it, can't remember what hops I used.....I know some Simcoe and I think a bit of 2 others I had around) but it literally saved this beer. The aroma is so much nicer and while the taste isn't anything to brag about, it's so much better.
I don't think this is going to taste this good for long so I'll have to drink up fast.