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Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:03 pm
by philm00x

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:20 pm
by BlackDuck
OK you rat bastards. :p :lol: Here's tonights tasting. And it's the best one so far.
image.jpg (109.94 KiB) Viewed 1520 times

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:31 pm
by swenocha
Damn that Kealia... this is all his fault. Do I need more beer? Hell, no. I have two beer fridges full, plus a few cases outside of the fridge. But Kealia has to keep going on about Oktoberfests... going to get his Oktoberfests... asking for reviews about Oktoberfests... bathing in Oktoberfests...

So, damn if I didn't stop and create a mixer today... Damn you, Kealia!

(l to r): Brooklyn Oktoberfest, Yazoo Fall Lager, Ayinger Oktober Fest-Marzen, Paulaner Oktoberfest Märzen, Victory Festbier, Blue Pants Oktoberfest.

OK, the Rodenbach wasn't an Oktoberfest, but damn it's hard to pass up that beer on the mixer rack... technically a mixer-sevener, I suppose...

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:36 pm
by BlackDuck
Hey Swen...good thing you posted a picture too, or all hell would of have let loose.

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:30 pm
by philm00x
Hah! Good work, Swen. I did the same thing today.


Picked up Widmer's Okto, Summit Oktoberfest, and Florida Beer Company's Conchtoberfest as far as marzens go.

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:03 pm
by swenocha
OK, first one up. Went for the one I had the least hope for... the Okto from Blue Pants Brewery out of Madison, AL. I've had mixed experiences with Blue Pants... a few decent quality beers, but lately they've had a lot of packaging problems (IMHO). I poured for them at the Science of Beer last year, and that was the start of the issues I had seen. Overcarbed and metallic became the norm instead of the exception in bottles I've had from them this year, starting from that fest. I had pretty much given up on them as a brewery, but it was either that or Sam Adams (which I've had several times) to fill out the mixer from Whole Foods, so here we go... This is actually quite nice. Pours a pale amber, very clear, with a small white ring. Aroma is biscuit. Flavor is the same, with the correct amount of bitter. Maybe a touch sweet, but this is a pretty good representation of the style. I guess I might give BP another shot...


Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:41 pm
by swenocha
One more? Why not. Victory Festbier is up next. A darker amber on this one, with a similar white fingertip that settles into a ring. Very little aroma... maybe a bit of malt. Flavor is strange. The hop profile seems off for the style. Maybe some floral flavor hops along with a malty backbone. I like the beer, but it's just a bit too hoppy for the style, or at the very least, the hop selection seems a touch off. I'm thinking they used some American hops here that just seem a bit out of place. I like, but I don't love.


Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:35 pm
by Kealia
Wait! Did I actually Swen, Swen?!?!

I realize I don't have a proper Octoberfest glassware so forgive me in advance when I post pics later of my first one.
Sometimes all it takes is for somebody to plant a seed, huh?

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:37 pm
by swenocha
The small mug has made an appearance for me so far, but don't be surprised when the half liter mug and DAS BOOT make an appearance in future posts... ;)

(I guess technically DAS BOOTS are in the background in my mixer-sevener pic, but...)

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:16 pm
by swenocha
Switching for a min to homebrew...

Octoberfest (2012), which was the Coopers/Mr. B Okto with addition of Munich LME and Tettang dry hop, and using a Bavarian Lager yeast. This is quite nice now. Pretty happy with it. Biscuit on the nose, maybe a touch too sweet on the tongue, but a nice malt backbone and a bit of bitter and upfront hop.

And, as promised... DAS BOOT!


Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:40 pm
by swenocha
OK. one more...

Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen is the standard bearer for me in terms of traditional German o-fest beers. I've had others I've liked, but this one wins out every year. Interesting that they've changed over to stubby bottles this year. In the past they always had tall bombers, but I noticed some of their other beers in the stubby bottles earlier in the year. Clear copper/amber color with a huge billowy white with slight amber head that settles into a ring. Aroma is roast and biscuit. Flavor is roast, biscuit, caramel, with a ever so slight sourness and maybe some vanilla to finish. Very nice...


Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:07 pm
by mashani
^^^ is one I will drink anytime ^^^

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:53 am
by philm00x
Those taller-than-normal fat bottles are pretty thick glass and I think I'll be buying more in order to bottle my hefeweizen in. Also good for heavy carbed Belgian beers. Plus I get to enjoy the free beer in them!

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:06 pm
by Kealia
Since I started this whole mess.....first beer last night:

This poured WAY lighter than I expected. Not having much experience with the style I had it in my mind that this would be a darker orange color. That really threw me off.
The aroma I expected was malty, but what I got was very light malt (Pilsner-like) along with yeast. It smelled of a weak hef or a wit :blink:

The taste was "ok". It was inoffensive but I expected/wanted more.

The second of the night was Ayinger:

This poured a much darker, heavy-Munich color. It smelled of bread and malt and was what I had in mind when buying Octoberfest beers.
It was rich, malty and maybe a tad too sweet for my tastes at this point but I've been drinking a lot of Pales and IPAs lately so it could just be in comparison.
By the time I was halfway through it, it did seem less sweet. I did enjoy this one.

I'm looking forward to cracking into the Firestone version soon for comparison-sake.

While I may not have had my socks knocked off yet, I ma enjoying the diversion from the hopped-up beers that have dominated my drinking as of late.

Re: Good Octoberfest beers thread

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:06 pm
by Ibasterd
My ownn oktoberfest. I may be prejudiced, but I like it.