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Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:43 am
by Tabasco
Even though I drink homebrew almost exclusively, and appreciate the fine crafts that are out there, I wll still drink a "light golden lager" like Bud when I'm at the Moose Lodge or on the train ride home. It's beer.

Hell, even sometimes when I'm at a place like Buffalo Wild Wings ... that has many crafts (IPA's, etc.) on tap ... I may order a PBR ... a couple bucks less per pint than the crafts ... what the hell, I have excellent ales all the time at home ... why pay so much to get IPA to wash down my wings?

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:47 pm
by DirtRacer
Some of these I am close to but not completely. #1 if it's something premium. I do have a selection of glassware at my house but when I've been given one by a friend or family member, then I wait till I am home. #3 depending on what it is, maybe I want to just unload it asap and know that based on their choice they won't like the good, full flavor of homebrew or craft beers I have so why put one to waste? #6 but I rarely bring it up in conversation, although I have. #8 except that if it's free, then I guess why not if I am thirsty; it will make me appreciate my homebrews and craft brews even more.

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:04 am
by mashani
Hmm... glassware. I have a Stange to put my Kölsch in. I don't have a Kranz though. Nor do I have a Stösschen. So maybe I'm only partly an item #1 snob LOL.

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:33 am
by FedoraDave
Do you have Steins? You can't possibly drink a stout or a brown ale without pouring it into a dimpled mug! And remember how we all went bonkers over the Stella Chalice? You better believe I have a Stella Chalice!

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:01 am
by mashani
I've got a Stella chalice. I like to drink Saison from it. I do have a goblet for big Belgians too. But I drink most everything else from a shaker glass, so that's like being a heathen.

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:13 pm
by joechianti
Only ones I'm guilty of are #3 and #8. Thirty years ago I realized I didn't like the beers I could afford and couldn't afford the beers I liked. So I just drank whiskey and wine. Learning to make the beers I like at a cost I could afford is one of the best things that ever happened to me in my entire life. Second only to finding my third and current wife.

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:19 pm
by gwcr
mashani wrote:But I drink most everything else from a shaker glass, so that's like being a heathen.
Right there with ya mashani. The shaker pints are plentiful at my house. Haven't had a beer taste bad out of one yet!

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:40 pm
by jimjohson
either a shaker or one of the el cheapo wally world glasses I got
58px-Pilsner_Glass_(Hourglass)_svg.png (5.78 KiB) Viewed 725 times

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:41 am
by joechianti
Okay, I'm not sure what a shaker glass is, but after a brief search I think it appears to be the pretty straight up, starting small at the bottom and getting wider as it goes up, one pint glass, with no special form other than that tapered, soft 'triangle' shape. Like the pint glasses Mr Beer used to sell. To me, a glass is a glass, and I don't know any of their names, but if that's really a shaker pint, then I'll vote along with the others who use it. That's the glass I use the most. It's simple, it holds a pint, it's strong and doesn't easily slip down out of your hand when your grip begins to weaken from one too many. Or so I hear.

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:48 am
by jimjohson
That is what a shaker is

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:51 am
by RickBeer
Joe, having a jelly glass doesn't count...

I've never spent the time doing a study of what beers taste better in what glasses. In the old days I had glass mugs. Then a pewter mug that I could put in the freezer to keep my beer cold. Then tall pilsner glasses, which broke easy (and I don't drink pilsners). Then engraved Pilsner glasses.

What I like best is the traditional pub pint glass (i.e. shaker). In fact, when our beer consumption increased, we bought a set of these at a great price at Bed Bath. We like them because they fit in the dishwasher (yeah, I know, won't retain a head when rinse agent...). For us they work great - nice heft, and easy to clean.

To me, this is just like driving a Rolls Royce or any other thing you haven't tried - if you don't experience it, you don't know the difference. If I figured out the difference and it mattered to me, I'd have to have it.

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:12 pm
by Brewbirds
RB wrote...

"Joe, having a jelly glass doesn't count..."

Aha! I was wondering why JoeC praised my beers when he was at our house for not tasting peach preserves or orange marmalade. :p

Re: 10 signs you might be a beer snob!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:38 pm
by DaYooper
joechianti wrote:Thirty years ago I realized I didn't like the beers I could afford and couldn't afford the beers I liked. So I just drank whiskey and wine. Learning to make the beers I like at a cost I could afford is one of the best things that ever happened to me in my entire life.
+1 and ditto!